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Hello the Lovers of Dirilis. We are also in searching of stuff of Dirilis Ertugrul for you. The historical Series Dirilis is a wonderful series which has captured the hearts of whole the World. Everything of this series is attached to our hearts. The characters, locations, wardrobes, swords, horses and Costumes. The music has major role in the feelings of Scenes. So we have gathered some music of Dirilis Ertugrul here for you. We hope you will Enjoy this music because your attachment is undefinable with the Series.


Every music has its own feeling. Sad Music, Thrilling, Dramatic, Passionating and soulful music of Ibn ul Arabi are tremendous with their mood. Every piece of music has its own mood and touch. After watching the series the music of the scenes stiil being played in the ear. Ertugrul music is superb and which is also my ringtone. You people can chose your own choice. Yet i have missed the soulful music of Ibn-ul-Arabi in this playlist. Later on i will also add this in the album. I hope you will enjoy and appreciate this for you.  When the thrilling music of Ertugrul played its get into the soul and its feel like we are on the horse and going to battle field. Some music are sad. When some one is light mood there is a light mood music in the series which is also added in the playlist. The main music of Ertugrul is an old folk song of Turkey. Zeynep Alasya and Alpay Göltekin are the composer of theme music of Dirilis Ertugrul. They have done a tremendous job here. Every main character has its own music so its feel more feel-able and full of Emotions.

The purpose of upload all music here in the website is to feel you better with listening your favourite drama series music tracks. These music can be download with the link. After downloading you can set your favourite music as your mp3 ringtone. You can also set different ringtones day by day or week by week. At night the soulful music of Ibn-ul-Arabi as a ringtone is awesome. As the whole series is superb in-production, direction and acting, its music has also no alternative. The music Directors have done very hard work to make it a feel-able music. You can click on every track to listen the music. When you play first track the whole playlist will be played one by one.

We hope you love this page of music and will listen this music day by day. This music is also copyright of Dirilis Team so don't use this music into your videos. The music of every series, film or Drama is the main part of that. We are waiting for your response that what you say about this music playlist. Is it good attempt or not. Some of music maybe played in the next season which is Season FOUR. We will add the missing music later. We will gather all music of Dirilis in one place here for you so be happy and cheerful. We will update this Playlist day by day whenever we find a new music track we will add it here for you.

This is Enough about the music of Dirilis. We can only say the music has no match like the series has no match. As you see this music with your family so also share this music with yur friends who are the lover of this series Ertugrrul and surprise them. Set these music in ringtones and remeber always on your mind Dirilis Ertugrul. Whereever you are Dirilis is with you in your mind and in your mobile. With watching the Turish series we are now also in love with Turkish music. Please tell more people about this link and enjoy. Thank you!

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