Experimental Psychology Myers Hansen Pdf Download 16 LINK
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To prepare for the experiment, we selected two tasks that had been used with twins in a previous study (3): a word discrimination task (differentiating neutral, congruent, and incongruent words), and a word learning task in which participants were introduced to a novel language of 10 nouns, each learning five words. The nouns were presented in five categories (e.g., insect, object, animal, body part, tool) which required participants to learn five different words from each category. The experiment took place at the Laboratorium für Prävention und Psychische Gesundheit (LPP) - University of Oldenburg, Department of Psychology, who held the experiment in a locked laboratory. Since we were interested in learning-induced changes in the arousal of participants, the experiment did not involve any monetary reward.
Here, their own experiments show that they have a knowledge effect as well. By framing their experiments as a replication of the existing literature, they also show the value of providing a much greater level of detail in describing their own design in addition to assessing the criteria that are commonly used in psychology for judging the validity of research. This valuable contribution to the debate concerning the validity of psychological science will be highly applicable to the study of the credibility of the vast quantities of other empirical research literature, as well as providing guidelines that may be of considerable practical use in other fields, especially in areas where human judgment and decision making is important. 3d9ccd7d82