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Ogalinau Izajcevb
Ogalinau Izajcevb

Design Of Thermal Systems Solution Zip


Design Of Thermal Systems Solution Zip

Zeeco designs and manufactures a full line of pilots with high-stability designs for the ignition process and boiler burners. Engineered to withstand high burner heat and extreme weather conditions, ZEECO pilots are available in manual or electric ignition, with and without flame rods, and in variable fuel ranges with a single tip.

Zeeco can provide combustion and emissions control solutions wherever hydrocarbon processing takes place. Customers can find our equipment and services in upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and energy processes.

In Chapter 5, students learned how the process of dissolving different substances can result in an increase or decrease in temperature. In Chapter 6, students saw that different chemical reactions can also be exothermic or endothermic. This engineering design lesson gives students an opportunity to apply these temperature-changing chemical processes to the problem of making a device to achieve and maintain a particular temperature range for a very specific purpose. This lesson is expected to take approximately two class periods plus additional time for students to imagine, draw, and describe their temporary portable reptile egg incubator.

This lesson begins with a story about rescuing reptile eggs from a new construction site. Using the story as motivation, students are presented with an engineering design challenge: Build a portable device which can warm, support, and protect one reptile egg as it is moved from a construction site to a nearby reptile conservation center. After observing different heat packs, students discuss the criteria and constraints related to designing a heat pack as the basis for their device. Students investigate calcium chloride as an exothermic dissolver, and then move on to calcium chloride and baking soda as the exothermic chemical reaction which will serve as the heat source for their device.

Students adjust the amounts of the reactants (water, calcium chloride and baking soda) to achieve the right temperature range and then test a prototype in a sealed zip-closing plastic bag. Students use their findings and ideas about insulation and heat transfer to draw an optimized design that 1) Keeps an egg at the ideal temperature, 2) Holds an egg in the proper orientation, and 3) Protects the egg from impact. Each student or student group draws this device and explains how the device meets each of the three criteria.

In the story, the eggs need to be moved while they are protected and kept at a specific temperature range. Students observe heat packs that use different chemical processes as possible heat sources for their device. As a class, students identify the features the device should have to be successful (criteria) as well as the factors that might limit or impede the development of a successful design (constraints).

The following story is included on the Student Activity Sheet. This story introduces the design challenge and serves as motivation for the lesson. Either read it aloud or have students read it silently.

You have talked with construction workers at a site who agreed to notify you if they find reptile eggs. The center is able to incubate the eggs until the babies hatch and then return them to the wild. Your role is to design a reptile egg incubation device that keeps an egg warm and safe as it is transported from the worksite to the reptile conservation center.

Another type of hand warmer contains a solution of the chemical sodium acetate and a small metal disc. When the disc is bent, crystals of sodium acetate begin to form. This process of changing from a liquid to a solid produces heat.

Remind students that their challenge is to make a heat pack to warm and safely transport snake eggs. Explain that next they will conduct the chemical reaction in a sealed bag to see if the temperature and amount of gas produced will do the job. Would the chemical reaction you tested in this lesson work if it were sea


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