This is Episode number 15 of Kurulus Osman Season 1 with Urdu Subtitles. What have you said to Geyhatu about me, Gundiiz? You don't know what you're talking about... For the fear of Geyhatu, Balgay. Speak! I don't know.. Anything about your laws... Or your work. Your dog. Brought me here and tied me up. Allah! You're going to tell me everything. I'll riddle you with holes... Until your flesh is no longer able to hold your blood, so be warned. Soldiers are ready, Balgay. Is there any news from Kongar? No Balgay, but he won't return empty-handed. Let him speak until I return from Kulucahisar. As you command, Balgay. Commander Laskaris. Do not return to the castle, until you find princess Sofia. Understood?
I swear to the virgin mary, I won’t return without finding princess, God damn the day, that Turks and Mongols came to our lands. Master Yannis, Osman Bey is here. Osman, Osman! Sofia! Where is my daughter? When my mother Selcan returned from her camp... She showed me her dagger to show that she had captured her. I never forget, Yannis. I have Sofia. What have you done to her? She is comfy. She is sleeping in her cage like a sheep. She waits for her father to rescue her. If you do anything bad to my daughter, I' I've came here to make a deal. If you let me live... Then Sofia will live as well. What do you want from me, Osman. Balgay! Let me go! Get in! Leave me! You can't treat me like this. Open my eyes. Open my eyes!! Open! Bala Hatun. Fortune has changed hands, Sofia. Andreas, Salvador and Helen... Where are they?
There is no good for to know their place. I've much more important news for you. You'd like it. My father. Sheykh Edebali. He went to gather valiants, Ahi's... Who are looking forward to a holy war. Osman Bey has plans which are beyond the imagination of people. You're not able to see the flame... And the army who carrys wood to that flame in front of your eyes. What a shame. We need to tie this hyena much better. Cut the ropes, Zulfikar Dervish. Zulfikar Dervish. Leave here. Leave here. It's not going to happen, Bala. Your end is definite even if I die. You'll perish. Before you try to threaten me... Show me what you got. Here we go, little girl. You killed Ahi Evran. But Sheykh Edebali came.
Hakca, Pehlivan, Ziilfikar, Gonca, Dervishes came, Sofia. If they're not enough, Osman Bey came. Don't forget this day, Bala. I won't. But you should forget it, Sofia. Don't remember this condition you're in. Are you okay, Bala Hatun? If I ive Bal a to ou... Geyhatu will destroy this castle. You know as well that's going to happen. I came to an agreement with Balgay. Why would I betray him? You're both deceiving each other. Who do you think will win in the end? You or Balgay? You'll try to kill each other in the first chance you get. I'm the only one to save my camp and you from Balgay. What then? After the flood, the sand remains, Yannis. Then we'll come across to you, your daughter and the evil force behind you. It's you or us! Tell me. I'm listening. Tomorrow oil'll convince Bal a to o to Landlord of Ine 61. He'll be convinced that he is going to Conquer the castle and chests full of gold.
I said get up That parasite is going to give an account for my son I m going to take the revenge of my Batur with his sword Mother Selcan Hatun has soldiers They wouldn t let us live Please don t do this We have our soldiers as well Go and inform the soldiers Prepare the horses we re going to chase them Mother I said gird on I can t calm down until I make her pay Let s move Samsa Come on valiants Hit them my brave men don t let them live Allah Is Ever Lasting Allah The Truthful You re going to die Osman Huh You ve managed to escape again Osman I wish you ll drown in your own blood Osman Osman Genghis Khan says that the one who fights while he is certain that he is going to lose ooj e si Let s go Konur Follow Balgay I want both of them death or alive Move Giddy up Uncle uncle Diindar Bey UBLUSQ I swear to you I m going to kill you But Dundar Bey is dead He shouldn t be Melik he shouldn t I need Diindar Bey Well keep an eye on them Osman Osman When the time comes I m going to kill you with my own hands.
I know the way that Balgay will use. You'll set a trap for him in the way of Inegol, won't you? We'll both get rid of Balgay. Do you think you can handle his soldiers with only a handful of alps? This is my business. Let's say you killed Balgay. How would I know you'll give my daughter back when you're done? You'll believe Osman the son of Ertugrul Ghazi. Soldiers! Hostility and belief are different things. I can trust you. But belief is not enough for big causes. As a mark of our agreement... I'll give you the laws of Genghis Khan. When the time comes. You'll give the laws back and get your daughter. What if you die? The laws of Genghis Khan is more important to us than Sofia. When the time comes. You'll give the laws back and get your daughter. That’s all. What if I both take you and the laws... And sacrifice my daughter.
You'll not give up your dream of making Sofia the queen of Constantine. You are a nobody without Sofia. What will happen now, my bey? May I come in, my bey? Come on in. Slow down. What happened to you? It's not the time to slow down. Giinduz. Something bad has happened to Giinduz. Tell them. My bey... We found two alps of Gunduz Bey. They're dead. There is no trace of Gunduz Bey. Who killed them? We don't know my bey. Why did Gunduz leave the camp? Where was he going? He was going to Osman to join his battle. Now, you're sharing out the battle as well. Is his battle different from ours? Yes, it is. When a Mongolian chose the Kayi bey... Our custom separated from each other. From now on, our battles are different too. Then why are you coming to me... When you are in trouble. Why don't you go to Osman for help? Osman is a runaway. You can't find him... Even if you try.... You can't catch him. When you are in trouble... you come to me that you don't obey. Look at yourself for once. Remember who do you come to asking for help... Even when you follow Osman. Remember that well. Tell alps to start searching. What will you do, my bey? Where are you going? I need to see Balgay. Giinduz went after Osman.