EPISODE 11 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 3
This is EPISODE Number 11 of Dirilis Season 3 with Urdu Subtitles. Ertugrul goes to save Halime, Gunduz together with Aslihan. He sends Babar to Roshan where they have to know about the Spy who serves in Konya. Roshan and Babar are talking about the kidnapped of Halime and Aslihan. While talking the soldiers of Simon find them and attack. Ertugrul reaches to the place from where the women were kidnapped he sees Gunduz is laying down on the ground with arrow hit. When Ertugrul knows that Gunduz is alive he sends him to Mr. Arif and he is going to follow the bandits who kidnapped the women. The Spy in the palace of Sultan is Saedttin Kopek who is here to meet Simon with the name of Abu Naqash. Roshan and Babar start fight with the soldiers of Simon so Kopek has run away from there and they don’t recognize the Spy. While fighting Roshan becomes wounded badly. He doesn’t want to go back to Tribe without Ertugrul permission because he is on mission entrusted by Ertugrul. Babar takes him to tribe forcibly because Roshan becomes the infant.
Saedttin Kopek becomes angry with Simon that he cannot protect himself. How they know the place their meeting. He also tells Simon that Ertugrul is the Spy of Sultan Alauddin. Simon tells Kopek that he suspects Ertugrul from the beginning. Kopek tell him you suspect but what did you do? Ertugrul is working to conquer Karachaisar castle day and night. Ertugrul finds the trace of Bandits. Aslihan tells Halime to stay solid against these bandits. Gunduz is back to the tribe. Mother Hayma can’t see his grandson in this state. When she looks at Gunduz she becomes like no power in her body, She can’t even walk rightly. Mr. Arif takes Gunduz to his clinic and tells Ishak to take care of Gul Bano. While Gulbano is going with Ishak to cure her wound, Roshan enters to Tribe with Babar and other soldiers. When Roshan enters to tribe and Babar shouts Ishak Ishak when Gulbano sees Roshaan after a long time she forgets her wound and runs towards Roshaan.
The soldiers from Candar Tribe reaches to their Tribe. They tell Candar about the kidnapper of his daughter along with Halima. Candar asks about the Ural that where is he? The Ural tells him that he has gone to Konya. Ertugrel reaches to Fransisco bandit. All bandits attack Ertugrul. Ertugrul starts the fight with them alone but lately, he has been trapped in a net. Fransisco demands gold from Ertugrul in exchange for women. This is enough details for this Episode for now. In this Episode lot of fightings are there so this is a short detail of this Episode. This is the first Episode of Quick Episodes so the password for this Episode is QuickEpisodes. Watch and Enjoy!