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EPISODE 20 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4

Writer's picture: GiveMe5GiveMe5

This is the story of EPISODE 20 of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. My brave-hearts There are enough food, ointment and cloths for all of the Alps. After you leave, we will continue to prepare more of that. Convey that to Ertugrul Bey. As your order, Hayme Mother. We loaded everything up, Hayme Ana. We will take to the road, now. May your road be open, may your Holy Struggle be blessed. Amin, amin May your swords not be notched. May your campaign end in victory, In shaa Allah. Am n. Go on then, you are entrusted to Allah SWT. May Allah (swt) let them return alive and unharmed, In shaa Allah. Amin, In shaa Allah In shaa Allah. There are still weak points in the southern walls, Kostas. Don’t forget, rather than attacking frontally, Ertugrul will target our weakest spot. Our preparations can be completed in ten days’ time. Sir. Ten days are too long, Kostas.

If Karacahisar falls, Nikea will fall tooJ Three days Within three days, all preparations must be completed. If needed light torches. Turn the night into a day, keep masters working. As you order Sir. Inner Castle is ready for siege, my Sir. We placed the cauldrons with oil and big crossbows up on walls. Blacksmiths continue to make swords and arrows, too. Excellent. Continue with the preparations Ertugrul s envoy may come here before long. What do you think what kind of offer Ertugrul will give you? By sending his envoy, Ertugrul is only implementing a war custom. Kostas. He won’t listen to whatever I will have to say. He assumes that he has besieged me and my fortress. But, I’ve encompassed him already, a long time ago. Kostas. He is not aware of what I can do to him. Let him keep misleading himself. He doesn’t even know that we have a secret gateway. As he attacks our walls, we’ll approach them from behind and inflict them the heaviest blow.

The more he is sure of himself, the heavier my blow will be for him to bear It could be a trap! Protect our Bey! Hoo! Who are you? What do you want? Some are curious about the fate of Hanli Bazaar’s gold, Bahadir Bey. Aah Shush Wait here. Tekfur Ares… while he is being besieged by Ertugrul does he remember the gold only? He must know that his gold cannot save him. Do you think he cares about the gold, Bahadir Bey? He just seeks to secure a strong ally for himself Doesn’t he know that I will not betray my State? Ares doesn t want you to betray your Sultan. But, you both want the same thing. Haah Ertugrul s head. You are an intelligent man, Bahadir Bey. Ertugrul broke the peace agreement When the peace is broken, the trade comes to an end. And the gold will run out, then. With you as the Principality’s Bey, peacej and trade will grow and flourish, Ares said. Eeh? When Ertugrul is dead, not only Tekfur Ares, but even. Emir Sadeddin will seek an alliance with you. It’s enough that you rule the Principality with an iron fist.

Ares must know that my iron punch will not… land on my tribe only, but… it will land on Ertugrul’s insolent head, as well. My Sir, Ertugrul’s envoy is approaching Excellent, let him come. Alps, my brothers J be on the alert. Those ones don’t care about the custom. They can do villainy at any time We have to take down three to five of them, each, before we re martyred. Don t worry about it, my Bamsi Head-Alp, we are ready, evelAllah. Don’t worry my Bamsi Head-Alp. I know I know. If they start to be like a ‘wet blanket’, handle their Commanders by any means. Thus, the soldiers will be left high and dry, like camels that lost their donkey.

We are ready, evelAllah. Good then Come on, my lions, let’s go. Did Ertugrul Bey send you as his envoy, Bamsi Alp? Such lack of faith in Tekfur with whom he once made peace and shook hands! Our Bey is aware of your intrigues and your wickedness. Don’t forget you are my guest in this Castle right now, Bamsi Alp. Tekfut Ares, from now on you are the one who… is a guest in this Castle. If you don’t surrender the fortress, you will have no place to run to. And I expected Ertugrul to be a Commander who knows the war customs. Wasn’t it you who broke the peace by setting perfidious ambushes, Ares? My Bey asks you to hand over the fortress so that… innocent people will not be killed. If your Bey doesn’t give up on this war, many people will die on both sides, Bamsi Alp. t~i ca, yv/ut tvmicdd iidd icdbiicu li ic Ayyuk, the highest limit in the sky. [ Ayyuk”-Capella, the white star in the sky] Whatever you may say is meaningless.

We are not afraid, either to… spill our own blood or to give our lives… Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah). Now, if you don’t want the blood to be shed and if. you care for the lives of innocent people in the least… you will unconditionally surrender the fortress. It is the only requirement of our Ertugrul Bey After I take hold of the Qavdar tribe. I will not allow my Alps, I brought here to… come under the command of Ertugrul. Moreover, I will get the Aslihan’s Alps, under Turgut’s command, to my side Ertugrul will be left alone. Ares and I, we want you to know that our troops will be ready to support you. Ready? And how would your troops get out form a besieged fortress to fight, Titan? That’s our concern. You may rest assured in that regard. Know, whenever you want, we’ll send as many soldiers as you need. Seeing as you have a possibility to slip out from Castle in secret… and since you have that much confidence in your soldier.. in that case… it will be your responsibility to stop the stones and fireballs, which will… rain down upon your heads. Is Ertugrul making a catapult to use against the Castle? Yes It will also be the best one. For, I’m in charge of that task.

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