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EPISODE 23 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4

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This is the story of EPISODE 23 of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. Until the traitors have been flashed out from your tribe… stay safe in Kayi tribe, with my mother and Halime Sultan. They should be told that… we’ve disposed of the traitors in Qavdar tribe and… that we have gone to conquest. Artuk Bey have to send the rest of the Alps in the tribe, for the siege. As you order, Ertugrul Bey May your Holy Struggle be blessed. Eyvallah (thank you), Aslihan Hatun. Amin Well, let’s go, Turgut Bey. Sir, there’s still no news from Titan. This situation worries me a bit. Titan is a great knight, Kostas. He will fulfill the duty he was assigned with. Nothing can save Ertugrul from his hand. He will come at night, so as not to reveal the secret passage… but he will send the news of his victory by a pigeon. Everyone is eagerly waiting for good news, Sir.

Nevertheless, do not let your guard down, Kostas. Don t forget! This fortress is the heart of Karacahisar area. Any harm done to this fortress means the fall of entire Karakahisar. Double the number of men on the walls! Fortify the door with the iron bolts As you order Sir Marya. Why did you leave your room? The physician told you to rest. Don’t worry, Sir, my wound is healed. I feel so very well. I pray for you at every opportunity. I hope that your endeavors will be crowned with victory. Don t worry, Marya, the victory will be ours. Ertugrul’s end has come. That barbarous Turk, who wounded you and. who attacked the Castle, will get what he rightfully deserve. Ertugrul is going to die today. How would that come about?

As the Latin proverb says. Auribus teneo lupum (“I am holding a wolf by the ears”) [Suetonius: De Vita Caesarum, Lib.Ill Tiberius, 25] This time, Ertugrul has caught a tiger by the tail, Marya. And such a one, that both. his Principality’s Beylik and the Turkmen tribes will be shattered. Then you’ll see how that will come about. Now go to your room and have a rest. Tonight I will celebrate the victory with you. Be in readiness. As soon as they dismount their horses, we’ll attack them. Ah Ah’ They found the secret passage! Everybody to horses! Come on’ Haydir Aljah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Allah! Allah’ Haydir Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Haktir Allah (Al-Haqq – The Truly Existing Allah) Haydir AI lah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Allah! Allah! Haktir Allah (Al-Haqq – The Truly Existing Allah) Allah Allah! Allah Allah! Haydir Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Haktir Allah (Al-Haqq – The Truly Existing Allah) Ya Haqq (Al-Haqq – The Truly Existing Allah) Ahh1 Ah, degenerate. Go after him, at once!

Get him dead or alive, stop him from sending the word to the fort, go! Let us, firstly conquer the fortress then.. if the arrow I hit you with, didn’t kill you… be sure your death will still come by our hands. Ugh He’s there You go that way Get close to him from that side. Ahh You blackguard! I’m going to kill you I need to get to the fortress! I have to shut down the secret passage. Ah’ See what this snake did at the time of this blessed struggle! Ertugrul Bey will surely take his life. I pray to Allah that nothing happens to Aslihan Hatun and Turgut Alp. My daughter My daughter Ertugrul will get there in time and save them, and the Qavdar tribe as well, my daughter. There is nothing else we can do but to pray You are right, mother Is there permission, Hayme Hatun? Please come in, Artuk Bey. Aslihan Hatun9 Aslihan Praise be to Allah SWT Glad to be here, Hafsa Hatun. Ashhan My sister! W Icome’ Glad to be here You are alright, aren’t you? I’m fine, thank you Hayme Mother.

Welcome, my daughter. Glad to see you You are alright, aren’t you9 I’m fine, Hayme Mother Is Turgut alright, too? Turgut is well, don t worry. What about your tribe? What’s the situation in your tribe? The traitors have been eliminated and my tribe is saved. Oh, praise be to Allah SWT. Praise be to Allah SWT. Aslihan Hatun, I thank our Lord Almighty a thousand times, that… you have survived these trials and troubles. Thank you, Halime Hatun. Ertugrul Bey came as fast as al-Khidr. [AI Kahf, 18: 65-82] May Allah bless him. In shaa Allah, this evilness will turn into blessings, Aslihan Hatun. In shaa Allah. In shaa Allah. In shaa Allah. Ertugrul Bey, along with the Alps… is riding to the Karacahisar fortress at a full gallop. Artuk Bey, Ertugrul Bey wants you to send the rest of the Alps for the siege. My Bey’s order is my command. In that case. we now have even more responsibilities in the tribe Hafsa daugher Yes, Hayme Mother? Notify the hatuns. They are to come to the main tent, posthaste. For the sake of the order and safety in our tribe… I’ll now assign them new duties.

As you wish. And I am going to send the Alps for the siege. If you’ll excuse me, Hayme Hatun. You’re excused, Artuk Bey. Welcome, Ertugrul Bey Glad to see you Atsiz. You’re bringing good news, In shaa Allah The traitors were served as they deserved, Atsiz. Bahadir along with his son paid the price for their deeds. Eyvallah (well done), Ertugrul Bey. While we were waiting for you, Titan came here with three men. We ambushed them But Titan has run away. However, I shot him with an arrow. I did not go after him, for my duty here was more important. But just in case, I’ve sent two of the Alps after him. You did well, Atsiz When the fortress falls, all of them will be eliminated. In shaa Allah We found a hidden passage, evelAllah (with Allah’s help). Ares is now for us, just a prey trapped in a cage. Turgut, notify the men who are blocking the roads. Until we plant our banner on the Castle’s tower… no one is to leave their positions. They are to maintain tight security. As you command, my Bey. The only link Ares has with the outside world is this passage.

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