EPISODE 37 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 3
This is episode number 37 of Dirilis Season 3 with Urdu Subtitles. The commander of Visuilis is very confident about his soldiers to bring Aslihan there at no time. When Visuilis sees Aslihan he shocked as you have seen in the last Episode. Ertugrul starts to push him to the ground. When Ertugrul says that you are going to do a deal with Saeditin Köpek, Saeditin Köpek also comes on Visuilis and says that you have no more worth that we talk with you like a commander or Governor. Visuals immediately respond that if you want to talk me as a thug then let’s start from how you come to castle in secret to meet me and how you have done a deal with me for your fiance.
After listening to this Saeditin Kopek become angry and shut Visiulis up. The Ural is talking with Colpan that all games are against them now. EVerything is going up and down. Amir Saedetin ally with Ertugrul, Aliyar is going well and Abtuhan tells everything to Aslihan. We have to break this Unity of Beys. A man of Ural comes and tells him that There is bloodshed in the Han and Emir Saedtin is allied with Ertyugrul bey. The Ural becomes angry that how it possible that Ssaedtin ally with Ertugrul. The man of Ural also tells him about the Visiulis that Visuilis has gone from the hand of Erugrul because of Babar.
Ertugrul becomes very angry with Babar when he has to left Visiulis. Ertugrul Sends Noorgul to get Babar from Visiulis men. He also warns Visiulis that if they do anything bad on the way both of them will be killed. When Noorgul reaches on the place which Visuilis indicates Visulis thinks that he will kill all the soldiers who come to get Babar. But Noorgul has taken precautions already and there are his soldiers are following him. In that place, they exchange Babar and Visiulis to each other. Aslihan and Aliyar meet and both are very happy to see each other. Later on, they are talking in the main tent about the Ural. Aliyar tells Aslihan that it is necessary to kill the Ural now.
Aslihan has a polite heart for her brother so he asks for exile but Aliyar refuses. As they are talking about it Kolucha comes with the news of Konur death. Kotluca tells Aliyar that the Ural has gathered the beys in his tent for support. Konur bey was also there. No-one sees him after that meeting. Aliyar tells Aslihan that now he has no choice. If Ural lives, every day a man will be killed. Aliyar orders Kotluca to find the Ural and kill him.
Ertugrul sends Safdar to Helena and asks her decision that she has to choose sides. If she is with them or with the murderer of her father. Safdar also goes to Dumrul and Hacaturyan master to convey the message of Ertugrul that he is very angry with them that they don’t inform about the condition of Babar. Saedtin Kopek is talking with Aslihan, a messenger comes from Konya with a letter from Sultan. In the letter, Sultan summoned Kopek back to palace urgently. When he is going to the Ural gets the news of his departure. The Ural stops him on the way and ask him about everything. Kopek clearly tells him that he has to become an ally with Aliyar if he wants to gain his reputation again. The Ural becomes angry and comes back to Colpan in Rush. he tells him to go from there immediately as their lives are in danger. He tells her that Emir Saedtin has sold them.
Kotluca is finding the Ural in the tribe to kill him as Aliyar orders. Some of the soldiers are faithful to the Ural. A soldier comes to Ural’s tent and tells him to run away immediately. That soldier tells a wrong way to Kotlucha that the Ural and his wife run away from this way. Later on, Koluca can’t find them on that way because they didn’t go there so Kotluca tells are the soldiers to branches and he goes to Aliyar to inform him about the escape of Ural. Visiulis is gathering his commanders and celebrating the first viceroy as they killed the Beys of the tribe on the way who are coming to attend the meeting with All Turkmen in the Han.
When Helena comes to them and asks for what are they celebrating, Visiulis tells him that they are celebrating their victory against the Turks. Helena pretends to be happy and also join them in the celebrations. When Babar comes to Han Ertugrul don’t want to talk with Babar. When Babar calls him, Ertugrul tells him to talk after the council meeting. Babar is swirly damage from outside and inside too. Three Turkmen Beys are killed on the way to Council Meeting. Erugrul has started the meeting before their coming. Ertugrul tells the Beys that we have to share everything with Each other because the union is a strength. While they are talking about the future of their state and tribes Noorgul comes with bad news that Beys are killed along with their soldiers on the way to Han. everybody shock with this news. The war has been started. For your remembrance the password for this Episode is giveme5dotco. This is enough for this Episode. Watch rest Episode on Screen. Thank you and Enjoy!