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EPISODE 51 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 3

Writer's picture: GiveMe5GiveMe5

This is Episode number 51 of Dirilis Season 3 with Urdu Subtitles. In the last Episode there were lot of new things happned. Kotluca has been martyred and Ural killed. Aslihan is back to tribe and Aliya and Ertugrul punished the traitors in the Council Meeting. This Episode is now a new story starts. Everything is now smooth and story is a little bit slow again. Ertugrul is talking with his Jogaani in the start of the Episode and he is thinking about the future plans to help oppressive against oppressors. In the next scene there is a man runnig from the christian solderis. Maybe he is spy of Sultan. Soldiers hit him and he gets wounded but he manage to escape from them.

Ertugrul is talking iwth Aliko about the trades. Aliko inform him that after cutting the trade by Visulis, The trade is going down. Ertugrul is going to plan that what should they do to trade going on. Colpan is burning in the fire of Revenge. She is talkign with his God in the mirror that she will not leave Ertugrul and Aliyar in peace. As she is alkign the Visulis comes and talks with her. He knows there that Colpan is still a christian and didnt change her religion. Ertugrul is trying help all the non muslims and muslim in the Han who are trading. Visullis has gotton a new troop from Nikea send by his Emperor. This is a huge military squad here. Whilw Ertugruk is talking about the trade, Safdar and Dumrul get the news about the troops squad coming from Nikea. Erugrul tells them this squad is not here to defend castle but shedding our blood.

Visulis is now planning about the next game. He is takling with his friend coming from Nikea with squad as Commander. They are talking that this is Ertugrul who has done evryhting, otherwise the Turks dont have power to stand against us. Everything is ruined by this Ertugrul If we finish him the hope of everyone will also be finished. Baber and Noorgul is doing training of Soldeirs and this time the training is very tough by these bothe. Noorgul is fighting with a soldier and tells him the tricks of fighting while babar get out a soldeir from drilling field as he has now pwer in his arms yet and he has to eat and eat more. As Ertugrul is trying to help every human being rather than muslim or non-muslims so Mother Hayma is also teaching the women of Tribe to help all Human being. Zuljaan tries to talk with Gul Bano but she dont want to talk with him. Zuljaan is agin sitting alone and thinking about him that he is foolish. He is talking with him and crying alone.

While he is crying Ibn-ul-Arabi comes there and he said to him that he want to talk him heart to heart. He tells sayings of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W). He tells him the hadees that if human being leave to do sin then Allah will brought new creation that would committed sins and Allah will forgive him. He tells him that sins and mistakes are belong to human being. Allahis pleased when we ask for His forgiveness and take refugee in Him. Zuljaan asks furtuhur that because of mistake if some one died and some woman become widow and child become orphan then what? Ibn ul Arabi tells hims that no sin is greater than Allah’s mercy. Zuljaan tells ibn ul Arabi that now he will obey his brother.

When Halima see tha Gulbano dont talk to Zuljaan and tells him that dont come infront of me, She goes to her in seperate. She tell her that we are like a parts of body if one part of body is wounded then the whole body become unsettle. If Dogan is your husband then he is like a brother for us. Halima tells her about her responsibilties after the martyrdoom of Roshaan. she must stand stronger. We are all with her. She also tell him that Zuljaan has made a mistake and she has to forgive him and it would be worthy of you. The man who is running wounded is now in very bad condition and he send his companion to Ertugrul to find him as he has to give him this important news. Mr. Arif and Ertugrul is talking about the trade and also about the visit of Arif to the Palace. Ertugrul asks Arif that when he wne to palace did he meet with the Sultan? Mr. Arif tells that all the palace is silent. Sultan was not there. No body is taling about the Sultan. It seems like Sultan is not in the palace.

Mr. Arif is thinking that would he meet with his Sultan in his life or not. Ertugrul deide to not get the tax for doing progress in the trade. The spy of Sultan goes inside a cave but his bag is fallen on the road. The soldeirs are finding him everywhere and they also go to Visulis to help them to find that soldier. They tell him that must have to find that spy otherwise they cannot know from whom he has to meet here. Colpan is now woth Visuilis and becomes christian again. She is now changed her name. Her new name is now Ekatrina. Colpan tells visulis that if she failed her son will get revenge of both of them. Visuilis beocmes happy to hear this news. He says to Colpan that this child will help us to take our revenge. Colpan asks him how? Visulis tell shim about the plan that when Aslihan and Aliyar knows about their brother’s son.

There is person is coming to the tribe whose name is Abu Mansoor. He introduce him as a merchant. He tells them that he has listened the name of Ertugrul everywhere so he comes all the way here to start a trade with the tribe. Zuljaan wlecome him and tells him that he is the brother of Ertugrul. While they are talking Halima and mother Hayma comes to there and Zuljaan intriduce them to each other. Abu Mansoor talk about the rugs that the famous rugs are weaved by your blessed hands. This is enough for this Episode. My computer screen is damaged and is not prepared yet. Otherwise i has to decide soem quick Episodes but not successful yet because of Computer.

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