Kurulus Osman EPISODE 36 (09) Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles GiveMe5
Updated: Aug 16, 2023

This is Episode 09 (36) of Season 2 Kurulus Osman and EPISODE 36 of Kurulus Osman. Tell your soldiers to... step back. I was not expecting you that quick, ueiuso It's obvious. If you knew I was coming, you wouldn't betray, right? Let's do it this way, Osman. Osman, look, I will set your uncle and brother free... and drop that torch in your hand. So you consent dying with me, UBLUSQ What about you? Could you risk dying with me and your dog? Tell me! Let's do it this way, Osman. Let's do it step by step. Osman...! Drop that torch first! Do as I say. Set my uncle and my brother free. Set them free! Let them go! Let them go! No, Nikola! Don't let them go out! Let's die together!
Flatius! Osman... Dumrul... Ayaz... Take my brother and my uncle. Now... Take Flatius and your soldiers. And step back. How are you going to leave this place, Osman? I will go out freely! Osman... Where is Osman? It's not a flying flame! It's not flying a flame! It's not him! He fooled us! Soldiers! Osman! Show yourself! Show yourself! Osman! To the horses! To the horses! If you want to support us, please watch our episodes on KayiFamily.com Ayaz... Dumrul... Make those dogs go the other way. Yes my Bey. Let's go! Don't worry, uncle. I will question them for all the thin s the did. I didn't forget the dagger on my brother Giindiiz's back... I won't forgive them for your hand. I will question them all. One by one. Thank you, my nephew. Thank you. You saved us from that dog. You arrived... I arrived... I arrived, uncle. And I couldn't have thought of doing something else. I couldn't have let you die in those dogs' hands.
I couldn't have trusted Yavlak Arslan's assurance... and Nikola's fairness. But you... Uncle? Brother? You will trust them again. You will believe our enemies' words uncle. Brother. You ask why? Because you choose those enemies' lies over the... truth that I am saying. Everyone will do the thing that suits them. Until there is no enemy left for you to collaborate. Are you holding your favour against us, Osman? You are saying that everyone will do the thing that suits them. Is that what suits you? The time that I will do things that suit me is coming closer. Uncle... Brother... I am warning you to drag you to the right way. Go to the tents. Ayaz and Dumrul will catch you. I have things to do. Be careful! There might be a trap... Attack! Catch them! I don't want to die... Don't worry.
Flatius is merciful. I will save you. I saved you from the suffering of living without grace. Because you can't stand it. Osman! You. I don't remember seeing you before. Come on. There will be a commotion when the flying flame explodes. We'll infiltrate the castle then. The siege of Kulucahisar has now begun. When I enter that castle again, I will take it. The siege of Kulucahisar has begun. We must be quick, brother. We have much to do. Come on. Commander Flatius! What is the result?
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I lost them at a narrow pass. You lost them. Is that so? How did that happen? They pulled us into a trap. My soldiers are dead, Nikola. You were trapped... and my soldiers are dead, Flatius? This is my castle! These are my soldiers! Mine! Osman killed my soldiers, Flatius! My soldiers! Perhaps you'll kill me now, Nikola. What are you doing, Nikola? Killing you, Flatius. You are no longer a commander of Rome. You are a dead man, now. Now, you are nothing, Flatius. You are not even a soldier Flatius. Osman Bey, we. have news about Geyhatu. Geyhatu must have realized that Kulucahisar is going to fall sooner or later... so, he's having a metting in Yavlak Arslan's tribe.
The are oin to invite ou so that you'll make peace with Nikola. Very well. They can have their meeting. Dundar, Saver, and Gunduz Bey are also invited. Geyhatu wants you all to obey him. Geyhatu sill hasn't learned that Turks will not bow down. He will, Osman Bey. He will. He will. He will. I will not allow this. I will not let you die before you regain your honour. Flatius. If you try to kill yourself, you will not find a single man of the cloth to bury you in these lands. I promise you! I hope nothing's wrong, Davud Agha. What happened to Dundar Bey and Savci Bey? What happened to them?
They seem to have returned empty handed from Kulucahisar. They should thank Allah that they returned at all. I would tell you... not to tell people what happened, but... Osman and his Alps know everything. "UBIUSQ and his Alps wouldn’t say anything, nephew. But I don't know how we will look at Osman with our heads straight, I don't know. Brothers may fight... but they help each other in the end, uncle. Some day, I will help him out of a tight spot. Then I will have repaid him. They we will be even. Debts tend to grow, not dwindle, Savci Bey. If Allah permits, we will be able to pay him back, inshaAllah. Osman saved you again.
Who knows where he is. Why do I have to betray an honest man who works so hard for his tribe? Karayel. Do you see this, Karayel? Do you see? Even Geyhatu knows I’ll take Kulucahisar. But my uncle and my brother don't believe me. Geyhatu knows... once I take Kulucahisar... nobody will be able to stand in my way... But... my brother and my uncle do not believe it. They will believe it. They will see it. They will understand. Geyhatu will understand threats won't work on me. He can do his worst. May it be easy, Hatuns. Thank you.
I would like to help you, if you'll allow me. Come, Targun Hatun. Join us. You look like you belong here now. You can be a bride for the Kayi. InshaAllah. Be a bride for the Kayi? All the Kayi Beys are married, though. Do you have to marry a Bey? The daughter of a Bey would only marry a Bey. All the Kayi Beys are married. But some of them are still wanting for children. What is going on? Are you looking for a Bey for Targun?
It is hard being a Hatun for the Kayi. It was difficult back then... but it's even more difficult now. In my time, only a handful of land belonged to us. Back then, even Hatuns like Hazal were able to fool the stupid ones among the Beys... to become Bey Hatuns. But things have changed now. Kayi is talking about being a state. Being a Hatun to Kayi means being a Hatun to the state. For example, my Osman.. married Bala Hatun who was raised by Sheikh Edebali because of this. She is a Hatun who can rule the world with him. So I'm saying that... if you want to be a Kayi Hatun or give a child to Kayi... don't admire others... try to be like Bala. Alright? If you allow me I have things to do. Sure, my daughter.
Go, work. If you want to support us, please watch our episodes on KayiFamily.com What happened to you, Bey? Stop wandering around and tell me what happened. Come on. Tell me. ■UBLUSO He was always lively. He was always dashing. He was brave. But... he would never think what might happen after his actions. I thought that he would be martyred... before he can even... reach this age. But he is changing every day. He is becoming braver and wiser. He is becoming more dashing and more consistent. It won't be easy, Hatun.
It won't be easy. A man like Osman... would never show mercy to those on his way to the target, right? You know your laws. Osman is the youngest. It is normal for him to show more effort than all of you... to prove himself. But... since our Bey chose you as Alpba§i... you are the obstacle in front of him. What are you trying to say, Hatun? Osman will want to kill you... to be the Bey of Kayi. What are you blaming my brother for, Hatun? Your brother always looks for your laws, right?