AlpArslan Buyuk Seljuke Season 2 EPISODE 03 Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles
This is Episode No 03 of AlpArslan Buyuk Selcuklu Season 2 with Urdu Subtitles. Give me your arm.asp1 rVASPVRAKANVASPVRAKANCome on, Afsin!My Bey. My Atabey.Avar, come on.Come on!Oh Allah!Oh Allah!Allah is eternal!Come on!Come on!Come on now!Allah is eternal!Come on!-Come on!-Come on!Come on!Come on, my Atabey. Climb!You first, Alp Arslan.My Atabey!Are you objecting your Atabey?I said go. Come on.Come on!(•©me ©n!-Come on!-Come on, my Bey.Come on!Archer! Take him down! Aim the rope. I need them alive!Come on, my Bey!You, idiot!Give me that!Come on, my Bey!Give me that!Come on, my Bey! Almost there Pull, warriors!Come on, my Bey!Come on, brothers!My Atabey, hold on! Almost there!1 WEEK BEFOREWh® (?®uld even put this under my pillow?Everything she says a lie.If you don't believe me, taste the meal.It's like poison!It is time t® take your revenge from Turks......who savagely killed your family, Maria.Can I come in, Akca daughter?Come in, my Bey.The tear you shed is more precious than the salt you poured into the cauldron, daughter.
Don't be sad.I've seen a familiar sadness.....on your face for some time....on your face for some time.You don't also have any family.It is obviously because of this.Both of us have no one but each other.What about my father, Kekavmenos?He loves me.Kekavmenos is not your father.He kidnapped you years ago.You were about two years old.I was on a crossroad.I was either going to my parents, whom I didn't know how they are......or I was going to follow you.I couldn't have let an infidel take a Muslim girl.I followed you and reached Ani.I should have done something.I couldn't have left you there.I got into the castle as a slave.Thank Allah, Kekavmenos chose me to be your shadow.Why did my parents let me stay with Byzantines all these years?Why didn't they save me?Kekavmenos killed your mother.What about my father?Your father is alive.But he thinks you are dead.You have spent all these years all alone.It is obvious that you are more brave and stronger...It is obvious that you are more brave and stronger......than a wolf.