Mehmetcik Kutulamare EPISODE 22 with Urdu Subtitles
This is Episode number 22 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Sir, believe me I don t understand how this happened. I swear, Saeed was the one in ft he box. I swear. Who are you’ Who are you, huh? What are you doing in this goddamn desert? I'm here because of my anger, sir. ou re angry’ You're a British spy. You don t ...

This is Episode number 22 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Sir, believe me I don t understand how this happened. I swear, Saeed was the one in ft he box. I swear. Who are you’ Who are you, huh? What are you doing in this goddamn desert? I'm here because of my anger, sir. ou re angry’ You're a British spy. You don t have the right to say how all of this happened. Forgive me, Mr. Cox. We can't move in marine Kutul like it s supposed to be. Not like in Basra. They have a spy in every corner, in every corner. Then, maybe they have followed you. We re going to change the tent’s location. Go. Let the preparations begin. Walk! Alright. Alright. Alright, sir. Aafew spies in Kut'iil Amare, may have took away some crumbs from your hands. But what they didn t take might still become yours. What’s on your mind, Neccar? I'm going to give you the power that will make you beat the Turks in the ocean of Kutul Ama re. Tribes You think I haven't tried hat?
Arabs arent as easily convinced as you think, Mr. Cox. If you want to pull them to your side,.. in my opinion, you must earn their respect first. It is impossible to earn their respect. Arabs don't listen to anyone. Then what am I doing in this tent? Neccar, I tried this in Baghdad. They either sided with the Ottoman.. or they fell into the Ottoman s net like birds. The Allied forces only see us knights who'll die in the battlefield and are gone. They share our lands, golds, all kinds of spoils. Then what more do they expect? Believing this offer and their trust. Even if they have an agreement with he Arabs whom they are afraid of,.. I mean with someone ft hey respect. Are you saying you can d ag all the tribes on our side? The Ottomans are darting at any small voices that opposes them. While we are about to gather together,... everyone is dying and going, Neccar. You’re right, Mr. Cox. The Ottomans never forgive betrayal. This will initiate a dispute over the covenant between the tribes.
It's the same thing in Najaf and Hicaz. As if we have no other problems, we are dealing with the predecessors of the dead. Not like the enemies of the Turks.. we will act like we are their friends. Like the most loyal friend. The closest to them. ut for now. You're right. May your hands be blessed, daughter. Eat it deliciously, Father Husrev. Didn't you like the soup? Can we choose a blessing, daughter? The smell of food smells like musk, but.. the heart searches for the smell of a son. I hope everything is fine at this time. You sit. Father Husrev. I'll take care of it. Mehmet As Salam-U-Aleykum! (Peace Be Upon You)? Wa AleykumSalam! (And Peace Be Upon You Too)! Go ahead, it’s what Allah gave us. Thanks, Mr. Husrev. May ALLAH (S.W.T) be pleased with you, Mr. Husrev. What is it, Mr. Ah? Is there a bad news? heard a bite wouldn t pass down your throat without your sons presence. I didn't find Saeed, so I brought Mehmet. Not just a bite, even the air for breathing won't pass. If it weren't for the love of the country. Then take a sigh of relief tonight, Dad. Saeed7 Father. Oh, son Oh, son. Thank you, Allah. Welcome back, Saeed. Thanks to Allah. I m came, dad. Your son who causes you trouble is back. What does that mean? I m became crazy during your absence. What happened? What is this condition? Tell me, where were you? I’m like a powder. Dad. Don't ask and I won't say.
This is Episode number 22 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Sir, believe me I don t understand how this happened. I swear, Saeed was the one in ft he box. I swear. Who are you’ Who are you, huh? What are you doing in this goddamn desert? I'm here because of my anger, sir. ou re angry’ You're a British spy. You don t have the right to say how all of this happened. Forgive me, Mr. Cox. We can't move in marine Kutul like it s supposed to be. Not like in Basra. They have a spy in every corner, in every corner. Then, maybe they have followed you. We re going to change the tent’s location. Go. Let the preparations begin. Walk! Alright. Alright. Alright, sir. Aafew spies in Kut'iil Amare, may have took away some crumbs from your hands. But what they didn t take might still become yours. What’s on your mind, Neccar? I'm going to give you the power that will make you beat the Turks in the ocean of Kutul Ama re. Tribes You think I haven't tried hat?
Arabs arent as easily convinced as you think, Mr. Cox. If you want to pull them to your side,.. in my opinion, you must earn their respect first. It is impossible to earn their respect. Arabs don't listen to anyone. Then what am I doing in this tent? Neccar, I tried this in Baghdad. They either sided with the Ottoman.. or they fell into the Ottoman s net like birds. The Allied forces only see us knights who'll die in the battlefield and are gone. They share our lands, golds, all kinds of spoils. Then what more do they expect? Believing this offer and their trust. Even if they have an agreement with he Arabs whom they are afraid of,.. I mean with someone ft hey respect. Are you saying you can d ag all the tribes on our side? The Ottomans are darting at any small voices that opposes them. While we are about to gather together,... everyone is dying and going, Neccar. You’re right, Mr. Cox. The Ottomans never forgive betrayal. This will initiate a dispute over the covenant between the tribes.
It's the same thing in Najaf and Hicaz. As if we have no other problems, we are dealing with the predecessors of the dead. Not like the enemies of the Turks.. we will act like we are their friends. Like the most loyal friend. The closest to them. ut for now. You're right. May your hands be blessed, daughter. Eat it deliciously, Father Husrev. Didn't you like the soup? Can we choose a blessing, daughter? The smell of food smells like musk, but.. the heart searches for the smell of a son. I hope everything is fine at this time. You sit. Father Husrev. I'll take care of it. Mehmet As Salam-U-Aleykum! (Peace Be Upon You)? Wa AleykumSalam! (And Peace Be Upon You Too)! Go ahead, it’s what Allah gave us. Thanks, Mr. Husrev. May ALLAH (S.W.T) be pleased with you, Mr. Husrev. What is it, Mr. Ah? Is there a bad news? heard a bite wouldn t pass down your throat without your sons presence. I didn't find Saeed, so I brought Mehmet. Not just a bite, even the air for breathing won't pass. If it weren't for the love of the country. Then take a sigh of relief tonight, Dad. Saeed7 Father. Oh, son Oh, son. Thank you, Allah. Welcome back, Saeed. Thanks to Allah. I m came, dad. Your son who causes you trouble is back. What does that mean? I m became crazy during your absence. What happened? What is this condition? Tell me, where were you? I’m like a powder. Dad. Don't ask and I won't say.
Let him calm down. Do not worry. just going to say two words, Dad. Father Husrev, for the sake of Allah, calm down. Look, Saeed is the same Saeed. And you be the usual fighter Husrev. he end of patience is peace. Con e I was a captive at the hands of the heretics for days. I was starved and I was thirsty. You're the one who kept me on my feet. I said that you would continue fighting and that you woutdn t let father be with no support. You re testing me with the brotherly test before I can live ingratitude for my freedom. I m going crazy. Why doesn t anybody question how Musab got among us? Ask. Ask, how did we escape the prison camp? Thanks to the special agent hidden among them, in the heart of the heretics. We survived just by one piece of information we got from the Indian physician, by one razor. What does this have to do with Musab? We re in war. Can't your mind grasp that, Saeed? Both states will have spies. The important thing is to Good You found him, so kill him. But after he smuggled Victoria out and sold all those information to the enemy. That's why you can't have a duty. What are you saying? What7 You're a crude. You won't mature and you can't accept that you're a crude.
If you ever say anything in front of commander Sefik again,.. if you behave disrespectfully with father or break his heart,.. You will find a brother more brutal than the enemy in front of you. You should know that, too. Where s my dad ? Good. Don’t worry. He went to pray the Thanking prayer*' for Saeed's return. Look at what he did to father. ook at what he did. Mehmet, think about it. You've been through a lot of trials until you got here. You fell Into the desert and you didn't give up. But you passed the exam. Saeed s going to pass the test. too. Be patient. You don't know him, Zeynep. He won t become mature and be stable. But I know you. You are patient. You re mature. I trust you. not him. I know...there's a love inside of you that can grow a heart like a dried-up desert. No one knows this better than me. That s what makes you valuable. I saw the essence in you. My heart was deserted like a desert. And no k bloomed like an oasis. I wish he could also grow beautiful things like you. If only he could give a cure instead of opening wounds. Grandma says, the cure of a person and his plague are inside him. It doesn t matter what one requests, Allah would make it destined to him. Saeed is infatuated with his plague now. But one day he will also find his life water. A miracle he never expected will pop in front of him. And he will find his cure. InShaa ALLAH (By the Will of ALLAH ). May "ALLAH (S.W.T) be pleased with you. Forgive me on your behalf. I feel embarrassed towards you. I forgive you. But don t be embarrassed. Rest-assured. Excuse me. My grandma is waiting for me. May Allah be with you. Good-Bye. What is it? Why did you come We searched everywhere When we didn't see you inside You thought I (ran away? No, ma a^ We were worried that something bad happened to you. How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ma'am? Forgive me, ma'am. Butt leaving the house can «U>e dangerous to you. Isnt there any peace for me anywhere? Get out of here. Leave me alone. As if I have a place to escape to.
I m stuck here. On one hand the Turks and on the other hand Neccar. What kind of hell did I fall into? Who are you looking for, boy? You, brother All. Good then, you found me. Dldn t you tell me to come and go any time I wanted? So I came. You did good. I already owe you. You said something about debt last time, but... I don't understand. What debt? There was money in the pocket of the clothes you gave me. Didn't you give me a big car? What money and debt on top of that? The car wasn’t mine, so my debt wasn t paid. Here you go. Is that all? I swear, I gave you everything I had.