Payitaht Abdülhamid​ with Urdu Dubbing EPISODE 20
This is Episode number 20 of Payitaht Sultan Abdul Hameed. You bastard! You'll even have no grave. Our sovereign wouldn't want you to do this Ömer. "Discover the secret of Ali the fighting lion.." "..and go to him." "If I kill you now ..I will do it for my own desire." "Not for god's will." Guys! If you take your revenge will be blood bath Ömer. When the time comes ..I will kill you for god's sake ..not for my own desire. Stay back! Stay back! If you want your friend to live follow me. Move! I can cut him. Good job. I like you. Don't try to follow me. I can kill them all. YILDIZ PALACE You're very fast Mr.Zaharoff. If I didn't know they were going to your ship ..I could think you stole the weapons. My sovereign. Taking the smartest sovereign of the world on me.. ..who offers me coffee ..would my biggest mistake in my life. So? Weapons? To get rid of this issue completely To prevent it from getting in our way again ..I will solve the problem permanently my sovereign. At this moment A chief from the police station.. ..must have been invited out. There is no problem about the weapons now. Betrayers have been punished my sovereign. A gift for you. You punished them according to what? I tried to make them speak. But they weren't that type of men. Justice! Mr.Zaharoff. If punishment is needed justice should decide it. They were bloodthirsty killers my sovereign. I was born and raised in MuÄŸla. I know the religious laws. The punishment of those men.. ..who killed your men and stole the guns.. reprisal. I executed the rules. Forgive me. You know the religious laws. But.. Not completely. If punishment is needed ..the owner of the reprisal must approve it. My sovereign. My ship.. Get relieved. Mr.Zaharoff. But look after your weapons. You can't have such a narrow escape next time. Let me tell you something Sabahattin. We are not the men who can live here. You're right father. We are not. Put the papers down. I have news for you. My Seniha! My Sultan. According to me are always the headlines of the news all times. I don't know anyone else my Seniha. Stop yapping Mahmud. I have news for you. Unfortunately my niece Hatice gave up on marriage. No way! The daughter of our former sultan Murad... ..Hatice gave up on marriage. Why does it concern us? Sabahattin. My son. All my effort and worry are for you. If Hatice got married ..your marriage would also get delayed. I don't know. We could make it forgotten. Don't bother so much mother. I know a way to eradicate this freaky thing. What is it son? Abdulkadir. Our prince who nobody promises a future. He banged his fist on the table! I like that boy. Father. Mahmud. Alright alright. He's breaking the engagement. Abdulkadir? Yeah. With Pakize? It's not so easy. Great minds think alike mother. Save me from the awful marriage that you threw me in. Or.. I know what to do. Keep this in mind. Come on Mahmud Pasha? What now? Seniha. This work is large. The fatty girl issue is not easy. You shouldn't have made.. ..the move of marriage to Sabahattin.
I didn't make it for my pleasure. This situation is all because of you. Don't make me talk! My Seniha. When you popped your eyes I found a great idea. Listen to me please. Listen. Now.. Lady Bidar Sultan.. pushing you about Sabahattin's marriage right? Pushing is not enough. She's attacking me in every direction. It's alright. You will open.. ..a new battlefront about Abdulkadir and Pakize. What a shame. A prince shouldn't break engagement. He shouldn't play with a young lady's feelings. What a shame. You're very right Mahmud. What a shame. Instead of messing up with us Lady Bidar should take care of her son. Right? Well done. My Seniha. Wait. The fatty is coming. Comegirl. Comegirl. Thank you. Thank you my healthy girl! Sit girl. Sabahattin is out. You can drink his coffee. I should go too. Where Mahmud? To work Seniha. Official work. See you. Sit down girl. Don't be shy. YILDIZ PALACE My sovereign. Osman of SöÄŸüt troop is here. He has news about Ömer. Let him in. Please. My boy. Speak. Ömer caught Hiram my sovereign. The heathen.. ..was handing out food to Armenian students in the park. As soon as Ömer found a chance ..he put his gun at Hiram's head. Then? He didn't pull the trigger my sovereign. Mean Hiram took the children as hostages. Ömer couldn't. Didn't pull the trigger. Check that student thing thoroughly pasha. Yes my sovereign. Ömer didn't pull the trigger. He obviously learned the secret of his holiness Ali. He's catching fire now. He needs to sophisticate. Tell him.. dig under the marked pine in the Yahya Efendi Garden. ..and bring here what he will find there. Yes my sovereign. We also lost the weapons. Where can we find new weapons? I don't know. But I can lose the confidence of Armenians. You lost the confidence of Jews. And this one now. Don't ask. I can't return to Vienna. If they learn I lost the money raised from Jews against Abdulhamid ..that will be my end. The new and great leader of Zionists Theodor Herzl.. ..doesn't have enough commercial credit and prestige open a grocery shop in Vienna. Not a good time for joking. Joking and death have no good times Mr.Herzl. My friend Emanuel Carasso. Welcome. Thank you. Emanuel Carasso. Mahmud Pasha. Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you too pasha. Regarding your upright shoulders and shotnose affairs with Sara must be good. We've really forgotten about miss Sara. Where is she? With the mighty sultan Abdulhamid. With the mighty sultan Abdulhamid? You really.. ..have no limits about witting Mr.Carasso. You shouldn't wit about the health pasha. Sara got poisoned and was about to die. Her life depended on only the cure and permission of the palace. And I took her to the palace. What did you do Mr.Carasso? You really have no limits.
That's why I don't wanna fight you. Sara will throw us all into fire. Why would she Mahmud Pasha? Because Abdulhamid.. ..doesn't even give water to anyone.. ..if it's not for the country's good. Miss Sara will definitely get healthy. But she will inform about us. So we will be dead. Mahmud Pasha. Just like we protect ourselves first ..Sara has to also protect herself first. She can't get in flames to save you from flames. Mr.Herzl. I think we couldn't really take care of miss Sara. Let me go to the palace now. ..and whisper some in Abdulhamid's ears. Before Sara does that. You should do this. See you later. Is anyone there? Please. Help me. Please. Have mercy. I don't wanna die. What a pity. You tried to poison people. And expect them to give you the cure. It's hard to live with this policy. I'm innocent. Tell the sultan. I will speak. Just save me. Sabahattin. My son. Original capital of my descendants. What's wrong father? What is it? We're toast son. We have a disastrous problem. What is it father? Miss Sara Plague has spread all over us. She's in the palace. Abdulhamid won't release her until he obtains solid intel. That solid intel is you. I couldn't take care of her sufficiently. She will sell me out.. if I was a trivial stamp. Forget about her. What will we do father? I will go to the palace. Why? To give information to Abdulhamid about Mr.Herbert. If I can act before Sara.. ..and convince Abdulhamid. ..we will be relieved. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. We're scared to death in case someone talks. In the land of Abdulhamid ..even breathing is a great bless. If Miss Sara.. ..sing like a bird ..I will have to escape to Europe. I may not return from the palace. Look. Don't ever leave me. Don't let me get rotten in the dungeons. Save me no matter what Sabahattin. Don't be afraid father. Don't be afraid. Sooner or later.. ..we will definitely be victorious. Definitely. The nation hasn't heard me. This land has flouted me. This country hasn't seen me. I was a savior for them though. I was hope and future for them. If they had let me rule everything I would gave delivered.. ..this country safe and sound to the Western civilization. Then I would have.. ..brought civilization and freedom to this nation. I would have saved them from tarbooshes and the East. Let me hug you Sabahattin. I've always loved you. I may not return.. ..or see you again. That's what I say Sabhattin. Don't worry father. Don't worry. Don't be afraid. Coachman! Hey! No work no customers. Your master is gone. What are you sweeping? When he comes he will see it clean. If it is dirty he will be sad. Greetings. Greetings brother Osman. Yes? News from our sovereign. What is it? He ordered you.. dig under the marked pine in the Yahya Efendi Garden. ..and take him what you will find there. What is it there? I don't know brother Ömer. That's our sovereign's order. Alright.You will be with him and do what he says. You have no duty in the palace anymore. Tell Ömer that.. ..your sovereign said this. "You will discover the secret.. ..of Ali the fighting lion and then come here." Yes my sovereign. Melike. I shouldn t lose her. You should mind yourself now. I need Melike. I m not done with her yet. You said the same thing for Samir. Samir lived until today.. ..thanks to my mercy. So did Melike. If it hadn t been for me ..Parvus would have killed them with their father. You think you saved them so can kill them anytime. You are a very strange woman. My prince. Ahsen won t come my prince. General. She said she would come. And I ll wait here until she comes. My prince. I have to take you to the palace. The time limit that our sovereign set for you is over. General. Let s go my prince. You really say that this worthless flower.. .. has antidote to save life. Nature is full of miracles. This flower has such antidote that.. can t obtain it from anywhere else. If you know that obtain it. What are you waiting for? It s special knowledge. There is only one doctor who has it. And he must be about to arrive. He had better arrive. Doctor. Please. Can I talk to my friend privately? Of course. Go home now. Herzl may come. It s dangerous for him to stay there. I don t want to leave you alone in this hospital. Don t worry. I have the flower now. I ll get healthy when the doctor comes. And nobody can find me in this Greek hospital. Alright. Welcome Ömer. Thank you. Where is your master? Not here? He is gone with this. The mourning of Asiye was too heavy for my master. We are both motherless and fatherless now. Oh father. Did your mother pass away? They killed Asiye. Come on my lad. Go home. There was someone who tried to kill our sovereign. Then he went on a rampage around. He disturbed everyone. I chased that dog.
He kidnapped my mother. He wanted Sara in return for my mother. He buried my mother alive. I went in time. I got her out of the grave. She was stabbed. I couldn t save. In my arms ..she delivered her body to god. May god rest her soul. But I will take my revenge on that dog Hiram. Is Hiram the killer of your mother? You know him? Samir. He talked about him before he died. He killed my brother too. They killed my father Ömer. They told me that our sovereign killed him. I believed in this lie for years. Did they send you to the palace for this? Yes. I m not innocent. But I see now.. I nurtured grudges for years in vain. How can I look at that good man s face? While I was full of hatred ..he took care of me like his own daughter. When the truth gets revealed ..everybody will forgive each other. What about Samir? I gave him to the imam of our neighborhood. He will properly get buried somewhere. Secretly. Will my brother get buried like a homeless? That s the right thing to do. Samir was a freedom hero among the young people. If they know he is dead They will set the flames on fire blaming our sovereign. They will riot due to him. Your brother s grave will be our secret for now. What happened here? Sara had the key. What did she do? Years ago.. ..when Sara left me ..she also left such a scene behind. What is that blood then? Hiram. Hello Mr.Herzl. Did you smell blood? I shed that blood. Sara wanted me to kill Samir. Sorry we messed up the place. It s a pity. He was a talented boy. I m sure Sare felt sorry about her order. Sara doesn t have someone killed. Yes. Sara doesn t have someone killed. Not like that boy. Not like that. Emery is important. Unless you do it right ..Wood doesn't keep the paint and polish. How should I do? First find the water path of wood. These are water paths. From the root to the up. Do it according to water paths. Understand? Do it now. More elegantly. More kindly. Come in. My sovereign. Come in pasha. My prince. We're reaching our goal. Sara Hedaya realized that she has no time. She told she would speak. Good. Let's see if she has intel as important as her life. What do we hope her to say? Whatever they did to harm our country. More importantly. Whatever she know about Efrahim. Go on. What are you doing boy? Forgive me pasha. I don't know. Alright. Do your job. I'm afraid of everything now. Tell the doctors to prepare the antidote. My sovereign. We don't know yet what Sara will say. We've waited so far. We won't kill her. More will be torture. Yes my sovereign. What is it pasha? I was looking for you my sovereign. I have urgent news. What is it? My sovereign. When you talked about Herbert ..I chased him. He didn't came to the capital alone. With who? I had an Egyptian guest.. ..from Khedive family. I arranged a mansion for him in the capital. How is it related to Herbet? The relation is.. My Egyptian guest and the British offered me a business. I didn't accept of course. My guest was invited.. the capital by Herbert. Not only him. But also Indian and African guests. The delegates of British colonies? Yes my sovereign. I wanted you to know. And.. My sovereign. Herbert was executed by the British.