Mehmetcik Kutulamare episode 29 with Urdu Subtitles
This is Episode number 29 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Let's hang it like this in the middle.Very niceLet s hang it like this in the middle Very nice.My dearThis is a bit tiltedYes.Let s put that table in the middle Very nice. Yes, like this.Be careful pleaseOkay.Here she dear friend Come on, Zeynep, let me introduce you to my best friend which I write my news on.Wow, Fatima.I always knew you

This is Episode number 29 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Let's hang it like this in the middle.Very niceLet s hang it like this in the middle Very nice.My dearThis is a bit tiltedYes.Let s put that table in the middle Very nice. Yes, like this.Be careful pleaseOkay.Here she dear friend Come on, Zeynep, let me introduce you to my best friend which I write my news on.Wow, Fatima.I always knew you were different.But I never thought you'dbe a journalist one dayWhat is that, Zeynep?I've come to change the fate of this beautiful land.I want women living here to feel civilized.Will they want that7It's renovation ZeynepRenovation is good.Renovation is bright.It makes one love himself like how a butterfly loves light.Renovation is goodFatima, my daughter.What have you done to the place7 My dear dad.Your little daughter's grown up now.I came to change the fateof the land I was born on.I'm going to start with my room, then the houseIs there a place for yourdad in this ne destiny7Of courseBut in return you will help me prepare the news through using your influence What kind of news?We live in war, Dad.Who is the enemy of whom? Who is the friend of whom?I want to know everything.I want to know the gamesgoing on behind the curtain.
This is Episode number 29 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Let's hang it like this in the middle.Very niceLet s hang it like this in the middle Very nice.My dearThis is a bit tiltedYes.Let s put that table in the middle Very nice. Yes, like this.Be careful pleaseOkay.Here she dear friend Come on, Zeynep, let me introduce you to my best friend which I write my news on.Wow, Fatima.I always knew you were different.But I never thought you'dbe a journalist one dayWhat is that, Zeynep?I've come to change the fate of this beautiful land.I want women living here to feel civilized.Will they want that7It's renovation ZeynepRenovation is good.Renovation is bright.It makes one love himself like how a butterfly loves light.Renovation is goodFatima, my daughter.What have you done to the place7 My dear dad.Your little daughter's grown up now.I came to change the fateof the land I was born on.I'm going to start with my room, then the houseIs there a place for yourdad in this ne destiny7Of courseBut in return you will help me prepare the news through using your influence What kind of news?We live in war, Dad.Who is the enemy of whom? Who is the friend of whom?I want to know everything.I want to know the gamesgoing on behind the curtain.
Saeed.Mehmet.M hmet..I'll pull the trigger.Don t force meWe said what we have.You're the one pressuring us.This do sn t suit youWho doesn't find it suitable to follow the orders of the commander?Just think about it for a bit.You might find that outThink about how long has it been since Sergeant Sefer was martyred.Were we wrong in attacking the British?Did we bury our brother under the spetrol for nothing?Weren't you there with us too?Didn't you fight with us Shamil7 Is your heart satisfied about to pointing the gun at us?Think about about why would I point this gun at you, Mehmet?Did you tell me when you set a plan among each other and went to Commander All7 Or did you go without saying anything?Talk, brother.Why are you silent?Shamil, you're deceiving yourself.If Commander Ali wasn't thinking of anything, he wouldn’t let you stay there?What you did doesn t suit you or Commander Ah or all of you.We have a lot of things in common, Uskuplu.For example, we re both fugitives Because of the foolish commanders who don't understand us.If I were you, I wouldn't be so sure.They say the desert makes man see mirage.Maybe my fight with §efik is a play.A very realistic play.So are its actorsSorryDoes our guest want something?To leave my land and save your lives.People wanted us to be here.They are in need of prosperity The color of prosperity is white You've painted the people with the color red and you're saying that you brought prosperity Freedom can t be bought with money.Its price is bloodDid you pay that price to the Irish?More than what you paid to the Arabs Alright, the Indians, the Africans?