Kurulus Osman EPISODE 165 Season 6 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5
Updated: Oct 30, 2024

This is Episode No 165(01) Season's First of Kurulus Osman and Episode No 165 of Season 6 of Kurulus Osman with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5. Are the flying flames ready? The effects of the cannonballs were strengthened with flying flames, my Bey. Allah is HAYY! Allah is HAQQ! -Catapults? -The range of the catapults has also been extended, my Bey. Are the training lessons of Alps and sisters complete? The army is ready, my Bey. And the new ones have been training as well. They are all ready for the target you will show, InshaAllah. I will explain my target at the council tomorrow. -Let the preparations continue. -Yes my Bey. Come on brothers! rte-»?:*.. Our people and our army... ...have been waiting for the decision to be declared, my Osman. They are all curious about your new target which you kept secret even from me. Aren't you curious? Why would I be curious about something I know?
I can see it in your eyes. What do you see in my eyes? Let's see if it's the same thing on my mind. No, I won't say it right away. We will compete first. I'll tell you if you win. If I win, you will teil me. Is that so? Is that so? Iltutan... Did you hear her? You heard her? Let's see if she knows what's on my mind. My Alaca. Do you hear them, my girl? They think they can win. Come on. Bala! Those who love the most run the fastest! Bayhan Bey! One of us will die here today! Your Alps will get hurt. You set your eyes on my lands! You crossed my borders! Your greed will bring your death, Begum Hatun! Land is taken with blood! Blood will feed the soil today! Only blood will make the decision! Alps! To take what's ours, attack! Attack! .ftBÜÉ . ? ‘>^¿^téM6<t| - .^^^^^^ <r~ I am Osman Bey's son Orhan Bey! It is the order of Osman Bey! The war will end. Turk Beys will make peace.
Beys will come to the council of Osman Bey. And those who do not obey will pay for it. ....:: Kay ¡FamilyTV.com::.... THE LEADING TURKISH SERIES PLATFORM -Welcome! -EyvAllah! If you want to support people who make a great effort please watch from KayiFamilyTV.com 4k & Come on, Bala Hatun! Osman Bey! Osman Bey will win! Corne on Osman Bey! Bala Hatun! Osman Bey will win! Bala Hatun will win! -Osman Bey! Bala Hatun! Osman Bey! It is the order of Osman Bey! Regardless of the religion, language, or ethnicity... ...our hearts and our land are always open to all the oppressed. You are all invited to the council established by Osman Bey.
Don't look like that, Osman Bey. No winners... Well... What I know will be mine... ...and what you know will be yours. Our love coincides every time, you know. Until the last day, my Bala. Until the last day. Come on. Go to the tribe quickly now. -Start the council preparations. -You? I'll be in the tribe by the evening. And we will discuss what I tell you... ...and what you see in my eyes. Come on. Fine. I go. But don't you be late. Come on, my gazelle-eyed wife. Come on. Come on, come on! ^ ♦ Make it easy, Aghas. -EyvAllah, Ghazi Alp. -Thanks, Ghazi Alp. Come on, sisters. Come on, sisters! We have much to do! Put it here. Ghazi -I'm coming, mother! I'm coming!
Run, boy! I'm here. Here you are, mother. Look. Be careful mother. Blow. Blow strongly! Blow it strongly, son. Easy, I'm almost burned! Let me burn the others mother. Don't burn yourself. Clear the way! May the fires be set! May the dark cauldrons boil! May the meals be cooked! May the food be served! Tomorrow is the high council day of our great Bey! Everybody get to work, come on! Ilbay. -Osman Bey is having a great council. -Yes? Where is he himself?
One of Orhan's first major achievements was the capture of Bursa in 1326, shortly after Osman Bey's death. The city's capture was a critical milestone. Bursa became the first major urban center under Ottoman control and later served as the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The fall of Bursa was not only a strategic victory but also a symbolic one, demonstrating the growing power and ambition of the Ottomans.
What would you do with him, brother? Horses are itching! It's time to groom. You have job to do. Come on. Come on. Come on. Father! Father! Father. My dear daughter. My beautiful girl. Where have you been? Sisters were doing the washing. I was there with Ghazi. Come here. Come here. Come on. Up! « » I -^ ’ '.I Aykurt! We have much to do! You can't shirk! Don't hold me Cerkutay. Osman Bey called me over. I'm going to see him. Come on! Come on! My dear girl, I have some things to do now. You stay in the tribe, alright?
My Bey, welcome. Thank you. Thank you, Baysungu Come on. fi* * « * »1 i Our sky has been quite since yesterday. -Obviously, there is important news in the bird's cage. -Yes. The news is even too big for a bird's wing, my Bey. I don't know if it's good or bad for us. Give me patience, my Allah. Give me patience, my Allah. Mighty Caliph's vizier. Omer. He's coming to the frontiers. But... ...why he's coming is unknown. Emir Omer's arrival in these lands... ...will shake the ground here.
Well.. All the beylics will compete... ...to host him in their own tribes. Ka resi, Candar, Germiyan. -We should be the first. -EyvAllah. We will invite Emir Omer to our land. What is.. ...the situation in Karadin? Lord Andre. He crossed the line, my Bey. He is attacking the Turkish caravans... ...going through his borders. He is seizing people's goods. He's taking his anger out on Muslims' pockets. You say so? I will make him be in need for a single piece of bread. What about Karesi? -What about them? -Karesi... They keep quiet, my Bey. They say nothing at all. Karesi's silence is no good. Stay there for a while. Observe everything. As you order, my Bey. One more thing, my Bey. They say a monk is coming to the frontiers
They say he's one of a kind. A monk, huh? Let him come. -r.B 6^?^ People of Holy Prusa! We finally got the news that we had been expecting for long! Commander Lukas, the leader of all the lords in the frontiers. ...is on his way to this place! If you want to support people who make a great effort please watch from KayiFamilyTV.com I Kill! Kill! This feast... ...is for his honor! Let the celebration begin. May gladiators... ...cut Turkish slaves! ^ ¿ r ^ Set the slaves free! Me against you three. J Leave them. Who are you? Who? ? People of Prusa! People of Prusa! I am... ...Lukas, the commander of all the lords in the frontiers!
Orhan also focused on building infrastructure to support the growing state. He initiated the construction of mosques, schools, and public buildings, many of which were centered in Bursa. These projects not only improved the quality of life for his subjects but also reinforced the legitimacy of Ottoman rule by demonstrating the state's ability to provide for its people.
I'm here for justice! l'm here to let the innocent live! All the slaves will be free. O^ Q Q No matter what their races are. ...Commander Lukas, ...swear that... ...I will share what I have! I won't eat before you're full... ...and I won't sleep before you close your eyes! The war in these lands... ...will be only in the battlefield... ...between soldiers! No Romans... No Turks... No innocent people will be killed! I, Commander Lukas -I'm here to bring justice and mercy to the frontiers. -Long live Commander Lukas! Commander Lukas, Caliph is about to arrive in the frontiers. Good. Send a troop. Vizier will die tonight. -Alps. -My Bey? We got important news. Mighty Caliph's vizier Omer is coming to these lands.
Why would a vizier would do in the frontiers, my Bey? We will see. But the situation doesn't look well. Everybody wants to invite him to their own lands and spread their reputations. Invite Vizier Omer to our land... ...when he's located. -As you order, my Bey. -As you order, my Bey. Thank you, my Allah. Is the inn where we'll stay ready? Yes, Mighty Vizier. BismillahirRahmanirRahim. ^* \ o o 4 í>^ tf. , -'ç i First, we're going to see Karesi Bey.
Then Candar Bey and Germiyan Bey. What about Osman Bey, Mighty Vizier? -Later. The smallest one will be visited last. mean Osman Bey. Osman Bey is growing stronger, Mighty Vizier. He's capturing castles and performing conquests. He's making other Beys to pledge loyalty to him. Osman Bey is a free State now. Yes. # J He's a state, I know. But... Karesi... Germiyan... They come before Osman. Who will you give the mission then, Mighty Vizier?
Attention! Osman Bey! What did Great Osman Bey do? He made us prosper! What else did he do? He turned our beylic into a state! -What else did he do? -He passed walls and conquered castles! Thank you. O people! My Beys! My sisters! Unless the good are united, the evil can never be defeated! We didn't perform all those conquests... ...only with our swords! We had many victories and conquests... ...with mothers praying for us... ..and fathers who lost sons for this country! We established... ...this state all together. I lost a son. My other son will gladly die for this country... ...as long as we keep standing! We will stand If we fall, ...the state will collapse. If we stand upright, ..the enemy will tremble!
We will never stop chasing our targets. We will never avoid obey the words of Qur'an! InshaAllah, my Bey! After every hardship, there is always a reward! Come on. Let the food be served! Everybody join the table! Take whatever you need. May our feast be mubarak... ...and our council great! Long live Osman Bey! Long live Osman Bey! Thank you. Thank you. o Relax, Bayhan. Relax, Bayhan. Relax. Don't relax, Bayhan Bey! The black widow Begum is still alive. She has nine lives! -May her life be ruined! -Enough,hatun! You said today was her last day. In these lands, Osman Bey's word is perceived as the law. Alright, my Bey. Alright, my man. Whatever you say
I just don't get it. Will you pledge loyalty to Osman Bey? My father is still thinking, mother. SA^^c He's still thinking. Germiyan? Karesi? Candar? Or Kayi? He's still thinking who will give my father... .more coins, mother. We will choose whoever is more beneficial for us. Give me advice instead of making fun. Keep thinking, my Bey. Your mind can beat the whole world. But.. If we are going to attend the council tomorrow... ...we have to give them a gift. Hatun.. Do not make me find a gift now.
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