Mehmetcik Kutul Amare EPISODE 07 Season 01 with Urdu Subtitle by GiveMe5
Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Mehmetcik kutul Amare EPISODE 07 Season 01 with Urdu subtitle by GiveMe5 This is Episode number 7 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Here are some dialogues of this Episode. BAGHDAD , , Episode , , As SalamUAleykum! (Peace Be Upon You)! Wa AleykümSalam! (And Peace Be Upon You Too)! , , wa AleykümSalam! (And Peace Be Upon You Too) , , where is my Hüsrev Sheikh? , , My Sheikh has just left to the courtyard , , Well, why did not you go with him? , , We went with him, but he sent us back. , , My Sheikh , , Oh my Sheikh , , almost took our heart a part, my Sheikh. , , We have been sitting since we arrived, Omer Bey. , , Let's wipe the rust from us. , , And what will happen to the heart that has been rusted, my Sheikh? , , People are fascinated by the words you say. , , Do you think that Shaykhism, religiosity, preaching and tekke (Dervsim) are like sitting, eating and making mockery? , , Eyvallah(You're right) , , Look, my Sheikh, your words turned like pearls again How beautiful the words you said. , , Well, Omer Bey, when does Osmancik Battalion come? , , With ”ALLAH”(S.W.T)‘s permission, they will be here tonight. , , My Sheikh, the dervishes are waiting for us tonight. , ,
Get your self ready. We will go to them InShaa"ALLAH" (BytheWillof "ALLAH") , , Eyvallah (For sure). , , From here, my Sheikh , , Ah Baghdad , , I missed you , , Welcome to our town, Merchant Abdulmelik. , , They have came to welcome you. , , Whenever a merchant comes to our city, , , they happily surround him to make a tip. , , I paid a great price for this city, a few pieces of gold will not hurt my pocket. , , Come on. , , Why did you stop? , , Merchant Abdulmelik is cruel to thieves only. , , Go on! Go on , , To everyone , , Get your share! , , From Abdulmalik! , , Come on, come on! , , Thanksgiving , , They love you very much , , And the more they know about me, the more they will love me , , To everyone! , , Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (Start with the name of "ALLAH" who is Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful"). , , Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" ( Start with the name of ALLAH" who is Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful").
This is a wonderful Episode that
you cant leave it withoout watching.
Sallallahu ala Mustafa" May Peace Be Upon Mustafa " , , Allahhme salli ala seyyidina mohammedin ... Oh Allah, may peace be upon our Muhammed Mustafa... , , ve ala alihi ve sahbihi ve setlim and his family and his companions and his followers" , , La ilahe illallah There is no god except "ALLAH" (s.w.t) , , La ilahe illallah There is no god except ALLAH" (s.w.t) , , La ilahe illallah There is no god except "ALLAH" (s.w.t) , , You I love deep in through the life , , You I love deep in through the life" , , I have a way deep in through this rituals" , , I have a way deep in through this rituals" , , Sheriat (rules of the religion) Tarikat (sufi paths) are ways to who would reach , , Sheriat (rules of the religion) Tarikat (sufi paths) are ways to who would reach' , , Hakikat (the reality, the essence) marifet (The real knowledge and skill coming realising the oneness with eveything through knowing one's own self) being deeper in through them , , Hakikat (the reality, the essence) marifet (The real knowledge and skill coming realising the oneness with eveything through knowing one's own self) being deeper in through them , , They said Suleyman (Soloman) knows the language of birds" , , They said Suleyman(Soloman) knows the language of birds' , , There is a Soloman deep in through Soloman' , , How are you, soldiers? , , We're good, thanks! , , There is a Soloman deep in through Soloman , , As SalamUAleykum! (Peace Be Upon You)! , , Wa AleykumSalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu! (Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah Be with you)! , , It is clear that the skillful hands that made this Arab carpet , , and have made the most beautiful dreams expressed in this piece of art , , The skills of our women in handicrafts... , , are part of our culture. , , Women , , are the beautiful flowers that make the world beautiful , , Is not that right, Habbab? , , The flowers of the desert shall be thorns. If you do not notice, it shall hurt your spirit. , , Osmancik Battalion, has entered the city. , , Beautiful.
We finally got the news we were waiting for. , , We have to start work now. We must have only one goal , , To overturn all the plans of the Osmancik Battalion. , , This will open the way for the leaders , , Who will establish the Arabunity. , , If you want to open the way in the desert, you have to go astray. , , Otherwise you will be lost in the sand storm. , , Habbab, the Champion of the deserts , , I can see the flames of the fire burning inside you. , , I would like to see the face of Suleyman after he receives this bad news. , , The land of one thousand and one Nights, Baghdad. , , I've missed this place so much. , , When we make our glorious army lift , , and drive the English out of our lands , , will our legends be spoken in our historical books what do you say, Adil Bey. , , My commander, I regret to tell you such news as soon as you arrived. , , What happened , , Commander, Sufi Bey , , he was fallen captive by the British along with his soldiers. , , , , When? , , While you're on the road. , , The British who took captive Sufi Bey , , Go on , , They also occupied the Kurna. , , Jameel. Yes. , , Time is short. , , The enemy is approaching. , , Until my next order, Not just sleeping but resting is forbidden for us , , So, this situation might have disturbed the faith of our soldiers and officers , , and prevented them from victory. , , There is no lie, my commander. Everyone's souls are in desperation , , Never never. , , We will never allow such thing to be happend. , , There is no room in our hearts for desperation. , , Where is Jawed Bey? , , At the front line. Waiting in the defense , , First of all,
We must save our soldiers from this desperation in their chests. , , If the Arab tribes that call for separation see that the Ottoman state is bleeding , , they will incite the people to disobedience. , , That is why the letters we have written to tribal leaders must quickly reach out to them. , , And to gather our spies in the region as well. , , The war has just begun , , Let the enemy see. How do wars take place. , , As you order. , , Attention! , , Go on , , Fawad lieutenant. My commander. , , Enver Pasha's letters to the tribal chiefs. , , It is in your trust from now. , , Perhaps you are taking the future of our state's people. , , If you died; but you will send letters to their places. , , It’s time for war. The enemy is everywhere , , Do not underestimate and fall into an ambush. , , Is that clear? , , We got it, my commander! , , May your ways be open and your Sacred struggle be blessed , , Thanks. , , Mehmet what are you doing? What are you doing? , , This is enough. Saeed. , , It's over , , They are not going to send me back. , , Not now, Not now. , , Not now. , , Let everyone be seated in their places I’ll get you out of here. , , Okay? I will. , , Not now. OK. , , The carts that will go to the clans are ready. , , Get in. , , This is your cart, my commander. , , Saeed, you will also come with us. , , But my commander, I and Commander Suleyman Bey. , , We will go out on the road immediately. , , You know Arabic, don't you? Yes, I do, my Commander! , , Beautiful. Get the horses. , , Pull the carts. Come on come on. Hurry up. , , you too, hurry. Get ready quickly. , , as you like, my commander. , , Damn , , May curse fall on them! , , You have been wandering since we came. , , I'd like to ... Shut your mouth
Do not interfere in my work. , , Look, I'm also very angry. But I'm staying respectful. , , I came over from Istanbul in a trunk. , , got shot in my foot. , , I have been tired and have not seen the face of the bed for days. , , And now I am in a cesspool full of mice. , , Do not talk to me about courtesy. , , You must have upset with the Turks very much. , , Do you think I deserve this? , , If the Turks are doing this, they must be right, should not they? , , OK. Calm down , , Excuse me. , , Move. Move , , I said, move. , , Who are you? , , My name is Elizabeth. I’m a journalist. , , So, the journalist's turn has came, too. , , What do you mean by turn? The turn of tasting the torment of the Turks , , I will not stay here for long. , , What about you? Is there anyone worried about you , , No , , He forgot me in this dreaded place. , , Who forgot? , , Someone you'ill never know. , , Do not forget I'm a journalist. , , If you share your story to me , , maybe I can make the whole world hear it. , , I would rather talk to the mice than you , , Now shut up , , Die ... Die, you jerk. Scum! , , Die, die. , , The Ottoman Empire did not open your country in vain , , Everyone wants to be rich and deep culture. , , We are not influenced by anyone's culture. , , Habbab, listen to the harmony of this music. , , How fantastic they are , , How mysterious, the spirit of man warms up and get comfort. , , Suleyman Askari began his moves. , , He send a group of letters to the neighboring tribes. , , Wilson , , Get these letters and make them disappointed in any way possible with Habbab. , , As you say , , By the way, Mr. Cox , , Victoria and that American journalist were captured and they held them , , So Victoria is still alive. , , Listen to the content of this music, Jassim. , , Saeed. What is it, Mehmet, what is it? , , Where are we going? We just arrived in Baghdad , , To the bottom of Hell. Enough. I’m getting out. , , What do you mean, did you get mad? , , I said I'll get out! Stop. , , Stop. Have a little patience. You troublemaker.
Now listen to me carefully. , , We follow the Ottoman military units from the distance. , , And we will crush them when we find a suitable place. , , Habbab, does not take orders from anyone. , , If you want to get out of this desert alive, You will carry out my orders. , , You are the leader, my friend , , It's enough to get to the goal, okay, let's go? , , Come on come on. , , The British are heading to Baghdad quickly hoping for victory. , , They have three or four times as many as we do , , So there is a fierce struggle waiting for us , , Waiting for us is a very difficult enemy , , in terms of weapons stocks and psychologically. , , So we have to organize an attack that shakes their lives and never expects it. , , And then the morale of our military will also rise. , , , , How will this happen, my commander? , , Ahvaz and Abadan oil wells. , , We ll blow it up , , It is as difficult as stopping the British. , , Difficult but not impossible. We can be succeeded. , , On the one hand, we train the soldiers for this attack and also tram volunteers from the clans. , , Moreover, everyone in prison will be armed except the enemies of honor infidels. , , Baghdad Kûtulamâre, Arab tribes in Basra. , , Kurdish tribes in Sulaymaniyah and Erbil. , , Ahvaz, Karbela and the Shia tribes in Najaf ... , , the vast majority of us are supporting us , , Omer Bey, I need to implement and not to speak from now on , , I need an action. , , Never trust anybody unless we see the soldiers in the field of war. , , Should not we know this before going out to the battlefield? , , You are absolutely right For this reason we will learn the enemy and the friend... , , at the dinner I'll be making for the tribes tonight. , , How will you learn? , , Commander, the road to the horizon is empty. There is nobody. , , Superb. , , We must not neglect taking precautions. , , These places are not safer , , Let's go. , , Shafiq, find Saeed. , , To bring me the thing I entrusted to him , , As you say. my commander. , , Jameel, that journalist woman ... , , let her go. , , Let me see how many eyes are on her. , , Roger that. , , Abdülsamed! Abdülsamed , , Abdülsamed! , , Come come come. Do not move. , , Abdülsamed! , , Abdıilsamed! Have you seen him? , , He fled from here. , , Abdülsamed , , Abdülsamed! , , They're gone, Abdülsamed. , , Come let me give you a candy. , , Take it, eat it. , , Gratitude. , , No need, gratitude. Run , , We will take Baghdad under our wings like these children , , But a little patience. , , Jasim, Suleyman's spies roam the streets of Baghdad comfortably just like these children. , , Does not this bother you? , , It does. Surely it does, Abdulmeilk. , , Just like him, for example , , Or this. , , Can they be watching us? , , The owner of the city is the one who dominates the streets of Baghdad, my brother. , , Find who are the spies of Suleyman to me , , And I also would like to know where the hands of Suleyman stretches. , , It seems a little difficult. , , But it is not impossible , , There is no door that gold can not open.