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As you can see in Listing 11, there are 72 resource types that are available on this system currently. Many of these have been made available as part of the core Puppet offering and won't necessarily make sense within an Oracle Solaris 11 context. However, having these resource types means that you can manage non-Oracle Solaris 11 systems as agents if you wish. We can view more information about those resource types using the puppet describe command with the --list option, as shown in Listing 12:

The expected data transfer time is picked directly from the application DAG where these costs were estimated with the assumption that there will not be any contention with any other flow. From the schedule presented in Figure 5 and keeping in view the topology depicted in Figure 6 it can be observed that the data transfers e(2,5) and e(4,6) will be sharing the same network path and they will also share the bottleneck with e(3,5). This sharing will ultimately increase the data transfer times of these flows. Hence, the expected data transfer times mentioned in the schedule produced by HEFT are not realistic, and so the makespan (overall completion time of the schedule) of 25 seconds cannot be realistic. 59ce067264


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