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Sparkle 2 Free Download Game Hacked [WORK]


david revoy author, 02 july 2019, 11:50 - reply hi, have you tried to search how to unzip files in the documentation of your operating system here every linux distributions i used came with a simple right-click over the file, then extract to. you can also try to downlolad the brush not zipped; the listing of files uncompressed is here: ; they finish by bundle but some web browser will try to display them as webpage with plenty of characters instead of starting a download..

david revoy author, 12 june 2019, 11:16 - reply hi eric; i'll check. the source were indeed hosted when i previously used github (i moved all my active repository to the gitlab instance of framasoft -framagit- almost two years ago, but the brush project is not that active since i merged them in krita 4.x code now and they became official). probably github changed policy but i checked and everything is still alright at the url of the source file: (even in a private windows or using a vpn) i can download the zip and unzip without being asked for a subscription. be sure your unzip software or your browser if you are on windows or mac is not compromised by a virus. i'm using firefox on linux and no issue here.

hntr3m3r 03 october 2019, 17:55 - reply hey there, i downloaded your brushes and have been playing around with them a bit. everything seems to work great so far, except the one brush that i want to use. i'm using the sparkle_v2_1.bundle, which i've unzipped to the brush folder. it seems to have all the layers and whatnot, but whenever i use it, the only thing i can do is delete the brush layer. i can add other layers, change their colors and edit their position, but if i delete the brush layer, it still shows up in the list of layers, and it will throw an error whenever i try to use it. i'm using pspaint 3.0. any ideas what i'm doing wrong thank you for creating these brushes! 3d9ccd7d82


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