Barely Legal Sister Sex
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ABOUT US/HELPNEWS ARCHIVESDENVER BUSINESS NEWSDENVER CLASSIFIEDSCOLORADO COMMUNITYDISCUSSIONENTERTAINMENTLIFESTYLESMARKETPLACECOLORADO NEWS-Columbine News-News Columnists-JonBenet Ramsey-Legislature-National News-Obituaries-Politics-Stadium-World NewsOPINIONPROMOTIONSSPORTSDENVER WEATHERDPO MAINLaura's storyBy Susan GreeneDenver Post National WriterMarch 4, 2001 - Laura Chapman is one of several women who have left the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She since has moved to Longmont, where she has remarried and started a new life. These are some of her childhood memories, in her own words, shared during a series of interviews: Family history "I was born in Hildale, Utah, the 25th child of 31 total among my father's four wives. My mother was the third wife. Polygamy goes back on my mother's side clear to the days of Joseph Smith. That's eight generations of polygamy. My father was a convert. He was cheating on his first wife. Her way to put up with his sexual escapades and stay married was to convert. She handed him a Book of Mormon and said "If you don't believe what's in this book, then I'll divorce you.' That's how they got to be polygamists." Age 3 to 5 "My father would come home in the middle of the day while my mother was at work. He would take me into one of the bedrooms, shut the door and do whatever he pleased with me. None of my brothers or sisters dared come look for me." (Chapman's father declined to comment for this story.) Age 7 "That was when we started having to gather as a family and say morning statements in unison. They were messages like "Control your emotions,' "Do not aid, comfort nor associate with gentiles,' and "Do not question your file leader,' meaning your father." Age 8 "We all moved into one house, all the wives and their children. There were so many people around during the day that my father would come into my bedroom at night. ... The day I was baptized, I was handed my first Book of Mormon and told I was a member of the Kingdom of God. That night, my father came in my room, put his hand over my mouth as I laid next to my sister. He took me to another room. I tried to fight him off but he pulled my hair and back-handed me. I learned that it was best not to resist. I would just stare at the ceiling and tell myself that he may have my body, but he'll never have my soul." Age 11 "I went to public school until I was 11, then my parents pulled me out of fifth grade and taught me at home using scripture as textbooks. The school district never followed up. By that time, all the people I knew were polygamists. Anyone else I saw at the grocery store were gentiles - evil people who embraced selfish and sinful ways." Age 13 "I learned to sew then. And I started cooking for at least 30 people still living at home. Just like other girls in the group, I began saving baby items and kitchen tools in a hope chest, preparing for marriage and lots of babies." Age 16 "It was my 16th birthday and I had a date with my father, which was a family tradition. On the way to the restaurant he said he had a sex course that he wanted me to take to prepare me for life with a man. ... I was holding the door of the Cadillac attempting to jump out at 65 mph to get out of the abuse, my family, the religion and the arranged marriage that was abou