EPISODE 16 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4
This is the story of EPISODE 16 of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles.We are. pursuing our mutual interests with the Turks here, as. . we want to live in peace. But it is impossible to do this while Ertugrul Bey is present. Hah. The Bey of Principality around here, is him. Whatever issue you have to settle down… you will settle it with him. His Beylik of Principality is of no consequence. A man to whom Tekfur Ares extends his hand and does business is a sure winner. And also, we don’t want Ertugrul Bey to triumph, but we support you. Ha. what do you want from me? Commander Ares invited you to dinner The talk will be about the peace, business alliance, trade and profits. I would like that too. But first… I want to welcome Ares in my own main tent. When the time is right… I’ll send a messenger and make him a feast. N w go and… tell that to your Tekfur. Alps, come on. let’s go. Deh Deh. Deh Shush, shush Shush, shush, shush. Bismillah (in the name of Allah).
Ev ryone spread out amongst them. Keep to your place well. When the fight starts… we will scatter them apart. Well done, child. Soon, we will achieve great victories, Marya. I wish to crown this victory with our baby. Our baby? Yes, our baby I have grown up without a family, Marya. I would love to have a family so very much. And you are worthy to be the mother of my child. I also love children very much. My poor brother grew up in my arms. I am grateful to you for seeing me worthy of that. My Sir, a letter has been brought by pigeon Ertugrul knows everything. He is going to attack the Castle tonight. As we agreed upon before. I will bring his son Giiinduz to you today. Titan. I saved the life of his closest friend, his Head-Alp.
You still wouldn’t keep quiet! You wouldn’t dare to do that, once your son is in my hands, Ertugrul. Is everything alright? You just told me how much you love children… and how you brought up your brother by yourself. Today. . I will give you a son who is predestined for our Empire. You will bring him up him as a knight of Turk s blood. And you will be the mother of that Turk. Shush. Shush I shall give you happiness my Khan” may your native black mountains never collapse may your large shady tree never be cut” may your clear running streams never dry up” may your wing s tips never be notched” may your light-gray horse never stumble while in gallop” [Dede Korkut’s Dua – “The Story of Bugach Khan”] Thanks to Allah (swt) he fell asleep. Savci will be just the same as Gunduz, Masha Allah. He doesn’t know what it means to stop. Masha Allah.
You should have seen Ertugrul. He gave a hard time to all of us. Algigek? Where is Gunduz? He said he was sleepy, Halime Sultan. He also took his Alp outfit off. He would never take his Alp outfit off my daughter. Where did that child go? His hat (Bork) is here too. No. mother, this is not a good omen. With your permission I will go and look for Gundiiz. Otherwise I will not be at ease. Wait. Wait a bit, don t rush, my daughter. You go and I will wait here with Savci. Who knows what mischief he is up to now? I will come with you, Halime Sultan. Algigek, you go to the well look there. And I’m gouing to check at the drilling field. As you order, Halime Sultan. Hafsa. let s go. My Allah (SWT) o my Lord, oh my Messenger (pbuh). Hey, is wheel reparation over? I’m talking to you, is ]t over?. We’re almost there. So, you will get a son of such a great Turk like Ertugrul and bring him here. You are such a great commander who really deserves to be a sainted knight. Leave us alone for a moment, Marya. Is it true what I heard, my Sir? When I get his son, he wouldn’t dare to attack my Castle But, if he dares to do so. he will pay for that with his son’s life. Tell me.
What did you talk with Bahadir about? Bahadir Bey said… when the time comes, I will welcome Tekfur Ares In my own tent. His own m in tent. Do you know what that means, Kostas? Bahadir will make a coup and take over Aslihan’s main tent. How can he do that in contradiction with Ertugrul, Sir? They will shed each other’s blood, Kostas. Is not that enough? Hey I’m talking to you! Show me your ace The face of death! Damn it! MOJJV Hasbi Allah (Allah is Sufficient for us)! [Surah Ali-lmran; 3:173] Come on Alps Hasbi Allah (Allah is Sufficient for us)! [Surah Ali-lmran: 3:173] Come on my lions, come on my valiants. Bare your swards and strike at infidels. It’s time for battle. Your swords will not be sheathed without drawing blood. Haydir Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Haydir Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah) Haydlr Allah (Al Hayy – The Everlasting AMah), O my Allah, o my Lord! He is nowhere to be found Where is this boy? We’ll find him, Halime Hatun. Keep your heart at ease Hafsa. he can’t stay in one place for a long time, don’t you know?
Who knows wherehe is now? We will find him, In shaa Allah. Alpigek He s not there, Halime Hatun. We went down to the well. We looked everywhere. We went all the way to the tribe’s exit. He’s nowhere. Allah forbid, I even looked into the well He is not at the drilling field, either. I have misgivings in my heart, Hafsa Let’s notify the Alps on guard Let them search for him too. This is a child, he can be hiding somewhere. Algigek, notify the Alps on guard. Let them start search for Gunduz. This is not a good omen. Inform my mother and Artuk Bey. Hafsa, let’s look behind the drilling field. Let s go. move. What happened, my girl, did you find him? He is nohere to be found, Hayme Mother. Halime Hatun and Alps are continiuing the search. I no longer can stay here. too. I’m going to look for him too. You do not leave Savci’s side. As you wish, Hayme Mother. Where are you. flying horse? Gunduz A p What are you doing here? Actually, what are you doing here?