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EPISODE 26 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4

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This is the story of EPISODE 26 of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. How are the preparations going, my Halime? Everything is being done as it should be, my Bey. The feast we are preparing for tomorrow will be worthy of our victory. Don’t concern yourself aboutthat My mother and I as well, are personally supervising every detail. Eyvallah (well done). Keep distributing the food to the elderly and homeless at the Bazaar, my Halime. As you order, my Bey From now on, I will be personally responsible for that. How is Marya doing? Sh is doing fine my Bey She is striving to fulfill the duty you have assigned to her. She studies the documents along with Artuk Bey, day and night. Good, that’s good.) What’s this? A letter that the Emperor has addressed to you personally. Our Emperor has given Ares one last chance. If he fails this time around… you will kill him and then you’ll assume the position of Commander. Under my supervision, you are going to fight against Ertugrul I’ll personally meet all your needs, especially regarding the provision of troops. I would never betray Ares Titan, I am very well aware of your courage and loyalty. Didn’t you see Ares’s state of mind?

Ertugrul has poisoned his soul. Due to his fury and arrogance, we have lost hundreds of soldiers. We have lost an invaluable fortress that protected us from the Turks. Most importantly, we have lost our reputation. Nikea is brewing. People are uneasy. Maybe even a civil war may break out. If Nikea falls. consider what would happen then. Baba, we only had our tribe. And now we got a great fortress. How did we become so powerful? Look, my Gunduz, do you see this? When small embers come together… they create huge fires. There is great power in unity, my Gunduz. So, we were just like these tiny embers, and then we united and become a huge fire.

Those who are our friends, we embrace them in our warmth. and those who are our enemies, we burn them by our heat. Listen son, we have gone through quite difficult times to get here. Our tribe went hungry along the migration route. Our flocks have been wasted. So many of our strong and healthy valiants have passed away We slept on a dry, barren land, where even the grass didn’t grow. We have survived all these troubles and come this far, thanks to… our commitment to the cause of Allah, our dedication to our tradition.. as well as to a tight bond we had with each other. Father, what will I do when I face a difficult situation… once when I grow up? If you don ’t remember Allah in whatever you do, it wouldn’t end the right way, son And hold fast all together to the rope of Allah”, if one day you fall in a deep well [All Imran, 3:103] so you may be pulled out of it. If you embrace the cause of Allah (swt), then He will never abandon you. Your people and your friends would be around you. If you do not deviate from the Holy Path, Allah’s saints (Evliya’ullah) will join you along the path. Father, how am I going to find those Allah’s saints (Evliya’ullah)?

If you walk on the right path, they will find you, son. We have an important guest, my Bey Who is it, Abdurrahman? It’s only a poor one. coming from Al Hayy and going to Hu. [Al Hayy – The Everlasting Allah and ‘Hu’ – He] Hey, Masha Allah As-salamu alaykum (peace be upon you) Alaykumu as-salam (peace be upon you too). Welcome to you. Pleased to see you, son Masha Allah, Masha Allah. May you be successful valiant Alp. Please take a seat. Come here, son. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah [May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you] Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. [May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you] Amin O Lord (Rabb), in this mortal world… You have bestowed upon me so many blessings. You bestowed upon me to bring up my children and to see my grandchildren. You bestowed upon me to roam the lands with my Suleyman Shah and to take part in conquests You bestowed upon me to confront the evilness, to stop the tyrants and to… conquer the fortresses, along with my son Ertugrul. I am eternally grateful to You, o my Lord (Rabb). When death comes knocking on my door, give me the power of faith, o my Lord (Rabb). Bring me together me with my Suleyman Shah in the Akhirat (hereafter). Protect my tribe and my children.

Bestow upon me the place beside to our Prophet (pbuh). It is You alone I ask for help and from You alone I seek assistance, my Allah (swt). Amin O my Allah, help me, o my Lord (Rabb). We’ve been eagerly awaiting your return, for a long time. Our hearts have missed your beautiful face and your healing words. I was in the Holy Lands. In the beloved lands of Allah (swt). Upon my return. I received the good news and came immediately. You have delighted us. Alhamdulillah (all praise is due to Allah). By conquering this fortress, you turned it into Islamic place. You have opened the door to many blessed missions. May your conquest be blessed. May it be instrumental in conquering the people’s hearts, too. Amin Amin Ertugrul Bey, this conquest of yours, reminded me of… the conquest of Hazrat Omar (Umar, R.A, the 2nd Caliph) who. . took over Jerusalem, from non-Muslims and made it an Islamic place. [Siege of Jerusalem; November 636 – April 637] Jerusalem was conquered by Islamic armies. However, the Patriarch, previously in Charge, said that… he would only surrender the key to the city, personally to the Caliph. Having heard that, Hz.Omer (RA) set out alone with a camel and a servant.

Throughout the journey. Hz.Omer (RA) and his servant took turns on a camel. When finally they came to the end of the road, they saw Jerusalem from a high hill At this point, it was the servant’s turn ride the camel. As a mark of respect, the servant gave up his right and said… O, Amir al-Mu’minin, it would be more proper if you enter the city… [Amir al-Mu’minin – Commander of the faithful] riding on your camel. Hz. Omar ibn al-Khattab (R.A) refused that. He, who is next in line, will enter the city on a camel.” He said. Hence, he entered the city in a humble fashion, bridle in hand. walking beside a camel on which his servant was sitting. Those who have welcomed them, assuming that the Caliph was on a camel, paid him their respect. The servant was embarrassed. He told them that he is not the Caliph, but the person holding the bridle. Everyone was astonished. How could a Caliph, who could have shaken the world . enter the city, dressed as a simple servant, holding the camel by a bridle? They asked Hazrat Omer (RA) about that. He replied this.

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