EPISODE 40 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 4
Your are Watching 40th Episode of Dirilis Season 4 with Urdu Subtitles. Once upon a time the Turks have lived in a land where two rivers merged their flows Tugla Tok and Selenge rivers in the place called Kumlangu in the lands of Uighur The Turks have sent their armies to the all four sides of the world And everyone swore their allegiance to them At that time there was a big great piece of rock in their homeland They said that this rock was called Kutlu Dag the Blessed Mountain Five generations later there was a Khan ensconced on their throne Ulghur Khan Gali Tigin Kagan This Khan has married a Chinese Princess The Chinese were of a mind to cheat the Khan and to weaken the Turks through their Princess To that end the Chinese came all together one day in the palace of Kiu Lien ruler The unity and livelihood of the Turks and all their strength depends on this rock called Kutlu Dag the Blessed Mountain they said Thus they went to the Khan and requested the rock in exchange for the Princess The Khan gave them the rock without a second thought.
The Chinese took the large rock then smashed it into pieces and took small chunks to their homes After that day disasters began to befall the Turks homeland The rivers dried one after another The trees have withered The famine and drought afflicted the Turk s homeland Seven days after that the reckless Khan was killed And in his wake the others were killed in succession One night when they were in this sad state the Turks woke up to the sounds Migrate Migrate They looked around and all the animals trees and mountains deeply moaned and called for their migration The Turks listened to these divine voices and realized they had to leave and keep migrating until their former strength and unity is recovered once again the Legend of Kutlu Dag Have we been migrating ever since also father Well yes son We have been migrating ever since that day In shaa Allah we will find our unity in our new homeland father In shaa Allah my valiant In shaa Allah But see what kind of lesson our legend teaches us If you let your enemy have not only your homeland but even just a fraction of its stone a disaster would befall us.
That s why we will not give Sogut over to the enemy We will migrate there and recover our former strength and unity In shaa Allah In shaa Allah father When I grow up I want to go to China to get that rock back from the Chinese I will take my brothers along too Hey Masha Allah Just let your new brother be born Then together you will bring our tribe and our lineage to prosperity In shaa Allah In shaa Allah Off to bed now Aslihan Hatun we consulted with Beys for a long time regarding migration issue They are all in agreement with us None of them wants to move our tribe to Sogiit in no circumstances You are the daughter of Candar Bey You are the Hatun of Qavdar tribe You wanted to marry Turgut Bey we said EyvAllah alright You wanted him to be the Bey we said EyvAllah alright But we will not agree on this issue of migration .
By tradition you cannot make a decision on your own Without the other Bey s approval it cannot happen My Beys we are subjected to Ertugrul Bey We have merged our tribes Besides he s our Bey of Principality If this migration is not something beneficial and necessary would Ertugrul Bey relocate his own tribe then That is none of our concern Aslihan Hatun If Ertugrul Bey considers such a move appropriate for his tribe he is welcome to relocate them However this is how we decided You can go with your Bey if that s what you want As for Qavdars we will remain here Deh My Ahmet There are important things you need to know my Bey Well tell me Who is this man Sungur Bey A friend of Ertugrul Bey Tekfur Kritos will wait in lay for you in Sogut just as you have assumed He has set his mind on taking his son s revenge.
They will be in quite a large number j The Hell Warriors brought by Titan will also be there wielding their swords We will teach them a lesson today Ahmet There is more my Bey I wanted to be with you during this ambush and to give them a merciless beating but Tekfur Kritos has assigned me an important duty What duty did he give you Emir Sadeddin and Tekfur Kritos have arranged to meet at the Caravanserai They want to form an alliance in order to settle the account with you Tekfur Kritos wants me to meet with Emir Sadeddin as his envoy My Bey if you want it and if I have your permission I would like to finish Emir Sadeddin off once for all If you managed to gain Sadeddin s trust we will then be informed of both Sadeddin s and Emperors intrigues You are right my Bey Ahmet Emir Sadeddin holds a great grudge against you Take care Don t you worry about me at all my Bey I ll take care of myself May Allah help and assist you May you enjoy good health my Bey May your path be open my brave heart .
His Excellency Sultan Giyaseddin Keyhusrev Are preparations for the Amida campaign ready Cemaleddin Amida Diyarbakir today Our Army is ready But we all have some concerns my Sultan What are your concerns As if the Mongols were not enough now we have the problem of Ertugrul to deal with my Sultan Emir Sadeddin I do not want a single word about Ertugrul Bey to be uttered in this Divan How many times do I have to say that My Sultan The rumors are circulating in Konya in connection with Ertugrul Bey What do they say Some people claim that you intentionally killed your father together with Ertugrul Bey my Sul What are you talking about My Sultan your anger at Gurcuoglu Zahireddin would not solve this problem Of course everyone present at this Divan knows very well that you have not been involved in such an evil act What do you mean to say Sadeddin Any further words would be unnecessary after this time my Sultan Ertugrul Bey has brought a great problem for us yet again Explain yourself Ertugrul Bey has opposed the peace treaty that we were about to sign with Tekfur Kritos.
And to make matters worse he had tried to kill Tekfur Kritos Then on top of that he has thrown Gunalp Bey into the dungeon Why woul hejio that Clearly he is preparing for a rebellion against your Sultanate my Sultan My Sultan Emir Sadeddin is correct Ertugrul Bey must be stopped now This is not going to end well my Sultan In such a situation it seems unlikely that you will crown your Amida campaign with victory my Sultan My Sultan having such a thorny issue as Ertugrul Bey who is sowing discord at our western borders while you are engaged in Amida campaign with your army is a matter of concern to all of us.
Do you expect me to take the head of Ertugrul Bey the man in whose loyalty I have not one iota of doubt No I m aware my Sultan that the Amide campaign is so very important to you You place a substantial value on this campaign to prove to your people that you are one great Sultan However while there is such a thorn in the flesh as Ertugrul Bey none of us present here in this Divan would consider it right for you to leave for the Amide campaign What would you want me to do then. Password for this Episode is GunalpoBeyyc.