Ilmon bus karin O yar (Baba Bullay Shah)

This is the blessed Kalam of Hazrat Baba Bulleh Shah. In the first verse of this Kafi Hazrat says
Enough of learning, my friend!
An alphabet should do for you
He says that One alphabet is enogh for one to gain knowledge if he can respect and if he can make worthy this knowledge for other people. In other words he wants to say that knowledge counts in Quality not in Quantity.
To it there is never an end
An alphabet should do for you
It’s enough to help you fend.
Enough of learning, my friend!
He says that you cant even understand the first alphabet of knowledge. Only first letter 'Alif' is enough to gain a useful knowledge. The life of a man is not perdictale that how much he has to live in this world. The life is too short to gain more knowledge if you can concentrate only the fuirst alphabet that is enough for a man.
You’ve amassed much learning around
The Quran and its commentaries profound
There is darkness amidst lighted ground
Without the guide you remain unsound
A lot of knowldge and undertanding nothing is more worse than a illetrate man. If you got lot of books and your brain and your heart is empty from respet and love then this all knowledge is wasted.
Learning makes you Sheikh or his minion
And thus you create problem trillion
You exploit oyhers who know not what
Misleading them with wild opinion
After learning you have become Intellecutal and you r telling other non litterate people about their problems. But you are not look inside your Collar. You have to see in your heart and mind the issues of other people are not your duty.
You meditate and you say your prayers
You go and shout at the top of the stairs
You cry reaching the high skies
It’s your avarice which ever belies
The prayers are not enough for a true man. The main thing is to mercy upon the people of Allah. If you think that you have called Azan and say tre prayer and it is enough then its your mistake.
The day I learnt love’s lesson
I plunged into the river of devine passion
An overwhelming gale. I was confused and lost
When Shah Inayat cruised me across
In the last verses Baba Bullay Shah is telling about his Experience that when he learned the knowledge of Love he do actually feel the devine passion. He was confused in the issues of World but at last He has reached on the right Destination.
AOA Janab time ki pabandi ni hoti to plz time na diya karo
ager waqat ki pabandi ni kar sakte to plz ye kam choor do. thanks
Episode 15 .16 kub upload karin gay sub bhai wait ker rahy hain bhai g plezzz tell me finel day and time.plezzz
too much disturbing to watching ertugrul season 3 episode 1