EPISODE 15 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 3
This is Episode number 15 of Drills Season 3 with Urdu Subtitles. At the end of the last Episode, Ertugrul was poisoned by Noorgul unintentionally. Like Toktamish Ertugrul becomes wild and he is blood in his eyes. He tries to kill everyone who is in front of him. In this situation, Ibn-ul- Arabi recitation of Quran has changed the condition of Ertugrul. When he recited the verses of Sura e Falaq Ertugrul stops to kill everyone. Everybody was frightened by Ertugrul’s wildness. After all this situation Ertugrul fainted and fell down. In the meanwhile, Mr. Arif has come to take care of all situation. He comes and takes Ertigrul to the separate room for treatment.
Everybody is asking from Mr. Arif that what happened to Ertugrul bey. Mr. Arif just shocked to see the condition of Ertugrul. Suddenly Candar bey shouting that this condition is same like as Toktamish. Mr. Arif listens to this and takes Ertugrul to a separate room. He started to try to vomit him. After that when he cant control the situation he starts to do the Hijama of Ertugrul. He strictly warned everyone to not comes into the room. After Hijama Mr. Arif pray to Allay for the health.
On the other hand, Maria is making a murdered poison for Noorgul and dip his dagger tip in that poison. That poison is as Evil that it will make the prey to pray for Death but death is not easy for him. This Episdoe is very easy to translate because it has fewer Dialogues but remember if someone says only a word we have to work on it to take place it in the right place. I was busy in my office work so this easy Episdoe becomes very difficult and much late. I will try to upload some fast Episodes but remember it’s not a promise it’s only a hope that I ‘ll try. Password for this Episdoe is NewsConf. Thnak you and Enjoy!