EPISODE 43 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 3
This is Episode number 43 of Dirilis Season 3 with Urdu Subtitles. The wise trick of Ertugrul has worked and Visuilis is angry on the Ural. He is about to kill the Ural that because of him he almost kills his Fiance. The Ural tells him that if he kills me he will never know about the Traitor in the Castle. The Ural tells him that it is all the game of Ertugrul to break our Unity. The Ural tells him that Master Alvin who takes the shop of Helena on rent is the Traitor. Colpan also comes there and she tells everything to Visulis. She tells him that he is Hacaturyan Usta who was working with his Father when his father was a governor. He is a goldsmith at that time.
Ertugrul bought him in the market as a slave and now he sent him here. Visulis thinks about it and warns the Ural that if this will lie he will kill both of them. Even he ordered a soldier that if this reveals that Master Alvin is not a traitor then kill both of them, the Ural and his wife Colpan. Visulis is thinking how will he find about Master Alvin then his commander tells him that he has a man in the dungeon who is very old and knows every man who is with the old governor. He can recognize Master Alvin.
Teo is in the cage Tent and interrogating by Babar and Ertugrul. babar beats him badly so Ertugrul stops baber that if you beat him like this he will be dead. Teo is teasing Baber that Helena will be killed in the castle. babar comes out when Ertugrul stops him. Baber is thinking in Temper that he can not do anything for his love. As he was thinking Ertugrul comes and again he warns Baber to handle his anger. This time Baber understand and become happy. Ertugrul calls Zuljaan to his tent and scolded him about the matter of Gunyali. He tells him that a rose can never be bloom from the bottom of hell. He is a bey so he has to be careful to choose a girl for him.
Zuljaan confirms his brother that he will not do anything which can ashame to hi brother. After that Zuljaan goes to his mother and asks her that when he tells them to not tell the matter of Gunyali to Ertugrul Brother then why Sister in law tells this to Brother? Mother Hayma stops to be calm but he did listen to her and go away from there. Then Halima comes there and asks her mother that why Zuljaan is in this state. Mother Hayma scolded Halima that why he tells this to Ertugrul yet.
Babar is worried in the Drill field so Roshaan tries to make a funny environment so he has a piece of meat and gets it to near the nose of Baber from behind. Baber is thinking that he is fully retorted that his inf is not working properly. Now he is smiling a meat. Then Roshaan call from behind that its Teo. Baber went after him and then Noorgul stops him. Noorgul tells him that only want to laugh a little bit. Zuljaan also tells Baber that they want the old Baber back. Baber also laughs and he does fun with Gunkut there. As they are doing fun AbdulRehman comes and gibe the message of Ertugrul to Zuljaan and Roshaan. They both got to Ertugrul immediately. Ertugrul assigned him a very important and secret Job. They have to go to Konya to deliver a message to Sultan. The message is much important so Ertugrul don’t write a letter but he tells them to feed this in their mind. Zuljaan meets with Gunyali and he tells him that he is going to an important task assigned by his brother. Gunyali doing drama there that how can she be life without him.
She wants to see him every day now but he is talking about to go far away. Then Zuljaan tells her that he is not going so far and he will be back very soon. Gunyali gives him a handkerchief as a memory for her. In that pleasure, Zuljaan’s tongues slipped and he tells Gunyaali that with this handkerchief he can go to Faizan, not even Konya. Gunyali knows the secret mission now. She also tells this to his Father Acar Bey and then later on Acar bey send this news to the Ural. The Ural gives this news to Visuilis and they want to trap Zuljaan in the way and want to take revenge on them.
Visulis goes to the dungeon to get forgiveness from Helena. He tells Helena that he was blind in anger. He wants a last chance from her so Helena gives him a chance because of the war situation. helena tells him if there was someone else he also be doubt anybody. Visulis is very happy with Helena now and Visulis also gets the news of Master Alvin that he is Hacaturyan not Alvin. This is enough for this Episode. Rest of Episode you can watch on your screens.This translation is very difficult task for me. I am completing it with much difficutlies and it is not the task of a single person so Password for this Episode is DifficultTaskforOnePerson. Thank you! Watch and Enjoy!