EPISODE 51 Dirilis Ertugrul Season 5
Updated: Apr 13, 2022
This is Episode number 51 of Dirilis Ertugrul with Urdu Subtitles only on www.giveme5.co. It is your end, Ertugrul. u’ve brought this upon yourself. . d in so doing, destroyed your family ough! Enough, Albasti idn’t I tell you that I wanted th Torumtay and Ertugrul alive? ou underestimated the might Hulagu Khan, Ertugrul ou thought you could save urself by killing Alincak. u allied yourself to our enemies. ut it’s over now haven’t said my last ords yet, Arikbuka! I gladly hearVour last words one day.
Ertugrul will never talk. ^should kill him here. e’ll cause us trouble otherwise. u said Ertugrul wasn’t alone. ath means victory for Ertugrul. re taking Ertugrul with us t’s go before his alps turn up. ay I come in, sister? om£ in, Sirma. hat are you doing, sister? athering together Beybolat’s belongings on’t want anything of his in this tent. u don’t have to do this, sister have the women do it. u look exhausted. e been noticing things. s obvious that a woman w rules the tribe. uch has changed here’s much to be done u’re right specially considering the good news other Hayme mentioned hat good news? hat are you talking about? hat do you think m talking about, sister?
i talking about marriage, of course hen we are beset by many problems. s not the time think about such things, Sirma s not wise postpone such auspicious ents with endless excuses eybolat Bey’s corpse s still not been found. e cannot celebrate a marriage hile we wait to hold a funeral /hat would people think? beholden on us… wait^atiently. on’t put it off, sister. cause I think Mother Hayme is right. on’t think about my brother anymore. time to look forward d start a family. agree that it’s not od to delay matters.
Ertugrul Bey has to have e last word on the subject at’s true. ow that Hayme Hatun expects rtugrul to marry woman such as yoursejf he will be anxious see you in her tent soon. he knows very well the terrible ffering we have been through ‘hy else would she offer uch a wonderful thing t a time when we are ssailed by so many problems? essence, you must marry Ertugrul Be.y soon as possible, sister r all the games our brother played he stain of his dishonor upon our tribe an only be washed clean your marriage. ell the women to come d take these away Go on. h Allah! thers, what has happened here? h Allah! Allah! Ips, stay alert! that Mergen? Mergen! ergen, Mergen! ather! Father! ather! Allah! lergen, brother! umrul. DumrulK id you say Dumrul?
that Dumrul? that Dumrul? y Bey1 hese are my father’s! hese are my father’s! e’ll find your father, son. ps! Look for Ertugrul Bey] earch everywhere! Come on! here isrErtugrul Bey? here is my brother Turgut? rother Turgut! Brother Turgut! urgut! urgut Bey. Turgut Bey. e’s alive! undogdu Bey. Gundogdu Bey! urgut is alive! urgut is alive! y strong man. pen your eyes. Open them pen your eyes. iat’s it! Come on me on. brother Come on I us Who did this? rikbuka? ugrul.
Where is ErtuQrul Bey? rgut Bey. Turgut Bey. here is my father? he alive? Do you know if he lives? ome on come on, brother, tell us ey’ll torture him. ey’ll torture my brother make him talk. rke Khan’s… nd.. Find it.. Find it II right, brother, we’ll find it. Find… it. e’ll find it. Alps! ind the spy! Search his clothes Go on! n’t tire yourself, brother. e ll patch^ou up. II take you to Artuk Bey euij eq ||,n u’ll be fine.
Don’t exhaust yourself other, don’t tire yourself. lean, daughter s. Mother e work is never done in the bey’s tent. me and sit beside me s take a breath. lell me to rest, Mother but… e’ll have a marriage soon. e should have everything ady as soon as we can hey say honey can be poured om a jar which held vinegar. ilge Matun has shown that e’s an honorable woman. w. we must stay true to our^i/ord, other, just as you commanded. u’re right at we must do now hold a great wedding feast.
All our friends and family to enjoy ankfully… veryone has seen the Kayi tribe’s rength and the sharpness of our swords ow they can come Ertugrul Bey’s wedding feast see how plentiful his table is d how generous its host can be. ope so. dear undogdu Bey and Gunduz ft some time ago to go to the bazaar hy do you think they’re still not back? ecause they’ll not ished yet. daughter ey’ll be back soon e’ve been busy talking nd I forgot all about it* was cooking. I must take it the fire before it burns o take care of your food. on. dear. undogdu Bey. ho is this Arikbuka? buka is Hulagii s best spy in Anatolia.