MAVERA EPISODE 20 with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5
Updated: Sep 27, 2023
This is Episode 20 of Mavera: Hace Ahmed Yesevi with Urdu Subtitles by GiveMe5. WelcomeMahmut Can.Take him to the back room right away.Come here. Here.May Allah bl ess you, Hace.My father had no chance to heal in that palace.This is the most appropriate place for me to protect him from Atif.You thought so well, Asife Sultan.Our lodge welcomes everyone with good intentions.InshAllah, he gets well here.We’ll also do our best.But……they seized my father’s medications.I need to take new ones from Aytolu.Don’t worry.You have some rest. Mansur Can could handle it.I’ll handle it right away, my Hace.Please.I said drink Leyla.Here, sir.I don’t want to be seen as if I set my eyes on your drink.I am kidding, Leyla.Who else can I trust but you Don’t you think, Adnan?
Of course, sirI hope you like it.Your apology has been accepted, Leyla H anim.really need yoI can’t give up on you.Know the value of this.Thanks. But you’ve just come.We couldn’t entertain you. Don’t you stay a bit more?For some other time.I’ll come later.We are not visitors, Leyla.As anywhere of Baghdad, this also belongs to us.-Of course. We’d like to see you again soon.-We’d like to see you again soon.The guards with us are loyal to my father, Hace.We couldn’t have done done without them.May All a h bless them.Ameen.The car of Sultanate alsoset out towards Basra.Atif.He’ll think we are going to my brother.s will gain us some time.You thought well.In spite of all the things happened…..I am worried of causing a trouble for you.Not at all, Asife Sultan.You thought and did the best thing for the Caliph Hadrath.And we are honored by your trust.May Allah bless you, Hace.I had no one elseYou know this.May Allah bless us all.
Don’t you worry.We’ll do our best for the Caliph Hadrath.What do you mean the Caliph Hadrath and Asife is gone?How could they kidnapped them right before your eyes? Speak!Sir.I found out about it whenI went to check on……the guards in the Caliph’s room.They knocked out the guards and tied their hands.So we couldn’t notice sooner Is there any sign of where they went?Sir. They left with two cars.They told the workers in the barn……that Asife Hanim is in the car and she went to Basrah.How did they let this happen?How did they allow it?Things are happening in the palace without……our knowledge and no one’s doing anything.They had palace guards with them.So no one suspected anything.They didn’t stop them.If they disobey me I will kill them all.
They won’t get away that easily.Aytolu.My sweet girl.WakeWhat happened father?Nothing my girl. Hace sent word.He called us to the lodge.Why fathI don’t know.They want herbs you prepared for Asife Sultan.Come on. Get dressed.I’ll wait outside.Is it morning sister?No sweetie. Close your eyes and sleep.Mahmut.They came with Asife but……are they up to something?What can they be up to Master Pehlivan?I can get rid of all of them with a single sword.That’s not what I’m saying Mahmut.Look. What if they brought Ca liph Mustarshid here……and now they plan to attack?Maybe they do.At if can do anything.Then if they plan on attacking here……it’ll be soon.
If it happens we will regret this.They will raid us from the outside……and they will attack on the inside.Master Pehlivan.You made me think nowWhat’ s going on brothers?Why are you speaking in sec HaceYou know I don’t worry for nothing.But great people have great troubles.They brought the great Caliph of Abbasid here….while he was unconsciousI fear where this will lead to.Asife Sultan did everything she could.No one knows the Cali ph*s here.They think he’s on the road to Basrah.So these guards aren’t traitors. They’re loyal.What we see on the outside……is all we can know at the moment.For now what we see is..that they are all loyal to the Caliph and Asife Sultan.After all they risked their lives to be here.We will have precautions and the trust Allah.
We’ll be very careful.We will be careful about the evil men and be kind to the helpless.EyvAII ah Hace.I will be careful and kind.I’ll take precautions.Don’t worry about it.Asife Hanim.Head doctor told us what happened to you.We are all sad to hear it.Even though it’s a palace, it’s your home.It made me sad that you were restless in there.May Allah help you.May Allah bless you, Aytolu.Thank yo .May Allah bl ess you too.You are a really good person.Don’t be sad.You gained your freedom, and you saved your father from those evil men.InshAllah everything will be better from n ^on.Ameen.Thank you.I couldn’t check him in detail.But……what I feel with my first examination is this, Hace……with the help of Allah, Caliph will be better.